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SS13 Said I'm A Good Mum - Well Sort of

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

Last night I got home from work and BF decided that he would like to take SS13 and I out to dinner. The place that we went to was local and also the same place we order our take out from which I always pick up(it's also a resturant). Seeing that I've been to this place to pick up our meals many times in the past the owner remembers me and my name but never knew my situation.
Anyway SS13, BF and I sit down and the owner comes over to the table and says hello. The owner then asks if this little one is mine (SS13 looks more like me than he does BF) so we had a bit of a laugh about it and then the owner turns around to SS13 and says "well is she at least a good mum" SS13 reply "Yes she is". After all that SS13 went to the toilet and BF said "see SS13 thinks you are a good mum" which I then said "well SS13 isn't exactly going to say no she is horrible is he" but then BF proceeded to tell me that SS13 wouldn't say that I am horrible but he could of said "yeah she's okay" but he did he just said yes she is.
After our lovely meal we went home and SS13 jumped in the shower and within a few minutes started calling for me, I stood behide the bathroom door (SS13 is now going through pubity and is very private with his body, doesn't even like if your in the bathroom while his brushing his teeth, so he definately doesn't want me to see him naked). I asked him what's up and he told me to grab something from him, I asked him if it was okay then that I come in and he said yeah sure. He was in the shower (see through shower screen) and just gave me something that BF forgot to take out of the shower.
When I walked back into the kitchen BF and I were alittle stund that he called me in and not BF, especially seeing that he was in the shower.
Not sure what this all means, but it made me feel alittle special and I just wanted to share it with you all.
I'm crossing my figures that I'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

How neat was that? And I am familiar with the feeling-SD13 loves me. She really does. And she so wanted a family, bless her heart.

A couple of months ago we took her out to eat-and she told me how her 1/2 sister has a mean SM and how lucky she is to have me. H, of course, made no comment. But it was a good feeling to know that at least one of the three (H, SD17, SD13) sees the goodness in my heart.