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Resentment - how do you knock it on its head?

housemaid's picture

I am struggling to work out how not to let the resentment grow out of control. When we first got together I tried so hard with his kids and got back all the stereo typical "she's not my mum" stuff, horrible behaviour and over the years the lack of any gratutide or emotion really took its toll. At least all the things you do for your natural children are met with thanks cuddles and love and its quite the opposite for skids.

Now I feel like saying "why shud I do your laundry, clean up after,drive you around, cook for you - your not my kids" which is quite immature, but true. Its like a job you originally applied for and thought would be the best job in the world - but 9 years down the track you feel worn out, resentful and bitter.

The crux of the problem definately lays with the DH not being consistant or even issuing any discipline so that will not change. The sun magically shines out of SS16's bum and he cannot say "no" let alone anything else to the boy. SS18 is still at home not doing much other than playing video games and watching me do chores.

I keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel - them moving out - but it is still very distant. If I didnt love my husband so much I would be long gone. He thinks that when I am not arguing with him about them all is good, he just mistakes my silence for complience and doesnt realise that I am always seething about their attitudes and lack of respect which is mainly directed towards him.

I m just worried that this will soon take us to a point where our relationship cannot survive and I really dont want to get there.

KirbyKat's picture

I agree...why are you doing their laundry? I would just let it pile up. Screw 'em lol! If they don't start doing other chores around the house, stop cooking their meals. You really need to sit down with DH and BOTH agree on chores/rules, along with consequences, and BOTH of you sit down with the boys and explain to them. Let them see you are united team! Good luck getting your husband board!

Orange County Ca's picture

I wrote this a long time ago and I hope this helps with your problem. It may not reflect your exact situation but you'll get the idea:

The situation with my step-kids finally got to the point where I decided that my efforts to raise them was futile.

First I told my wife in private what I was going to do and why.

Then I stopped investing myself, time and money in their upbringing. I realized that by conscious choice I could cease being responsible for them or their actions. Neither would I take credit for how they turned out, good or bad. I simply stopped interfering in their lives. This is not to say if they would start a fire on the living room floor I would not intervene. But if they did not do the laundry as scheduled I ignored it. Nor did I do any of their chores. If the trash overflowed in the kitchen - well tough. Mom dealt with it when she got home.

You will be absolutely amazed at the look on a kids face when s/he realizes you don't care enough to even tell their bio-parent they did something wrong. And you'll be amazed at their future behavoir and attitude towards you.

I stayed friendly enough and taught one how to drive when she was old enough. I took my spouse and SKs camping on occasion when my kids weren't around. I offered the s-kids advise on living in our world and made the obvious comments when it came to safety and such. But they could no longer blame me for the consequences of misbehaving just because I saw the misbehavoir. I never told. If they were caught in a infraction it was not my fault. They began to realize that they were responsible for their actions because of what they did not because I caught them.

I would talk to my wife in private if I had issues, but once she made the decision I backed her up 100%.

Once the kids realized I was no longer the ogre they thought I was their attitude changed. I was not their friend, but neither was I the enemy. They came to realize that I had not done those things to irritate them. They in fact missed the things that they had come to depend on me doing. Permission to go to the mall when their Mom was not home? "Sorry, can't do that".

Their mother slowly came to realize that I wasn't overreacting to their actions. In fact I wasn't reacting at all. She came to understand that she would have to control the situation and she did.

With that things got much easier around the house.

Billions of kids grew up in the world without help from me and turned out just fine.

Back to today. As for the chores they can't do you can only expect them to kick in what their abilities allow them to do. But as I said above you don't have to discipline them if they don't do their share. Let the stuff lie around. (I used to hide stuff that was left lying around - behind the couch for instance).

Remember - let Dad deal with the discipline and come home to a overflowing trash can.

housemaid's picture

Thanks for that I am taking your advice and I am not going to be doing a lot of the things I used to. I have 5 blissful childfree days to relax before my new plan starts and I will keep you all posted. Its amazing just how good the house feels today knowing there is no one coming home tonight!! Thanks again guys and talk soon Smile