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dear god im loseing it!!!

..kira..'s picture

Thank God I found this website I thought I was alone with no one to turn to. Sad
My boyfriend has 3 children and I have 2 which make it a full house around here. For the most part things go according to plan but there is one thing that to me is like nails on a chalkboard... my boyfriends youngest and only daughter. She is a stuck up teenager in a 5 year olds body. She will wine and scream and throw herself around just to be a brat. If she's in time out and she needs to go to the bathroom she will kick the walls until I say go than she will stand there with a pouty face until I say never mind than than she will throw a bigger fit.
My boyfriend says it's because I don't take her out on girl time. But I refuse to let her treat me like trash in public, it's bad enough she does it in home. I hate her so much I wish her mom was normal so she could take her. My boyfriends ex wife is heroine addict hooking for money and drugs somewhere in Texas so Its not like she has any contact or rarely even phone conversations with the kids but oh how I wish I was able to send her with her mom. But that just cant happen so I'm stuck with this brat that I don't know how to live with.
Any advise or feed back to help is greatly appreciated


Starla's picture

I will keep this short, forget the girl time and your boyfriend is wrong on that note. Been there done that and it only bit me in the butt until I decided to disengage. Welcome to step talk and hope you can find the much needed help in given time. Smile

Justme54's picture

That is a tough one. I am sure part of her behavior is having a loser for a mother...abandonment issues and then being a teen. Can you find a counselor for her? It might help...worth a try.

twoviewpoints's picture

How old is this teenager who you put in 'timeout'? I can't help the image of a 15yr old standing in the corner with her face to the wall. Surely that's not the type of 'timeout' you mean.

I'm curious I guess. My daughter 13 does occasionally get sent to her bedroom, but as she has her own bath off her room needing to go doesn't interfere with it. I've just not heard anyone call it 'timeout' for a teenager.

Anyway...hope you find some peace.

HungryEyes's picture

Bullshit. It's not your responsibility to give this girl 'girl time'. He's looking for a babysitter there. He needs to MAN UP And starting being a father which means the hard stuff; structure, discipline, boundaries. IF this little girl fails at life, from a parenting standpoint, he will be to blame as well since he has the most opportunity to change her life. He needs to start laying down the law, like, yesterday.