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How do I get them to stop putting their personal fork in the butter???

klynn's picture

Alright, maybe it's just me, maybe I'm too picky. Maybe I was just raised differently....I'm sure I'm just being evil...BUT - The skids will double dip-eat a chip and then put the part that was in their mouth back into the dip, put their spoons (that they're using) back into the peanut butter after licking it, use their fork on their food and put it back into the butter after it's been in their mouths, etc....disgusting! :sick: I reprimand them every single time I see them do it and explain to them that nobody wants to eat their spit, so they need to knock it off. Then, I see them do it again and I know for a fact that they most certainly do it all the time when I'm not around. It makes me wanna throw up. Any suggestions as to how to get this to stop or at least make sure I don't have to eat after their spit? BTW, they also never wash their hands and then they feel free to make themselves a sandwich, while touching the bread and lunch meat that other people will eat. I am very close to starting to hide my things. My Bio son 18 and I have had it with their spit and germs. HELP!


overit2's picture

HA-that is gross ...but other then buying your own things I can't think of any other options then keep reminding them and choose your battles wisely.

klynn's picture

Yeah, I've gotten really good at picking my battles. Now I let the things that don't affect me go. Like a 9 yr old drinking Mountain Dew at 9pm and rooms that never get cleaned, showers that don't get taken and teeth that don't get brushed. I could go on for days. This grossness affects me though and I have to figure something out! ICK!

overit2's picture

I know right. My son is the one that loves Mdew or "energy drinks" even though at 11 he's only tried those a couple times. My bf drinks Mdew also but he knows he has to hide it as I don't want my son having any-who gives a kid caffeine at night-are they nuts??

We are and always have been more of a water/milk house-on wknds I may get some capri sun or sprite.

Here's the thing if I get a sprite it'll last 2wks w/my kids as they rarely touch it-they will chose water over soda/juice.

My bf's D will always want sprite/capri sun...ALWAYS-you have to beg her to have water. I've seen him serve her sprite when kids are getting water. Meh..I pick my battles on that one.
But he's starting to get the idea as I've seen him stand firm on "water only" also. I'm thinking i may have to "wean" the girl next wknd by not having any soda/juice available period. Oops sorry BF i forgot to get any...then if he wants to indulge her HE can go buy it Smile

txcajunmom's picture

Ha! i thought i was the only one...i also lysol everything they could have even looked at and refuse to eat after they have put their funky little hands on...i also monitor the bathroom and when they come out, i ask did you flush and wash your hands, if i dont believe them...go do it again! i have dh doing this also! also i love when they come to my house and their finger nails are long and dirty...ewwwwwww unfortunatley they are at my home for another 28 days...and i am about to loose my mind over this same issue!!

overit2's picture

It's a habit..I drill my own biokids about hand washing all the time-like especially when they come out of the bathroom, and I don't know why because I know they do wash..I guess I just like to drill them. Sometimes I'll do the sniff test or see if their damp because otherwise I"ll send them back lol.

They roll their eyes at me because I don't let up even though they really don't need my nagging or to be reminded-they already wash their hands.

Honestly most kids do need to be reminded over and over though-just like with "brush your teeth". I must say that phrase 20 times a day, even though they brush in the am and at night. it's just a phrase like wash your hands that comes out of my mouth every other sentence.

What a nag!! lol

klynn's picture

LOL! Love all the comments! They do not wash their hands after using the bathroom either. It's so gross! I have nagged and nagged and just don't want to nag anymore. I even tried buying FUN soap so they would want to wash...right! I don't like who I have to be around them anymore - it seems all I do is nag! I buy pop for my SO because it's about all he drinks, decided if he wants his son's teeth to rot out from the sugar and he doesn't care if he's all amped up on caffeine, it's his problem. My Bio son did not drink pop like that, it was definitely a treat for him.

Guess my biggest problem is that I have no idea what they are doing when I'm not home. We have 50/50 custody of them, so they are with us every other week all week long. They could really do some germy damage in that amount of time!!

wriggsy's picture

We have the same issue with SD...and she seems to be the only one who can't get it through her head. She will stick her fingers in anything...the peanut butter being her favorite. I throw it away. But, it's easier for me because we still maintain separate households, so DH has to deal with his kids not having peanut butter on a fairly consistent basis. I informed him, one time, of what the issue was. I also threw away almost a full container of ice cream just this weekend because my daughter told me that SD was scooping some out with her fingers (when I looked, the lid wasn't even on the ice cream, so it was prob freezer burnt anyway).

For some strange reason, the "double dip" issue doesn't bother me. Maybe it's because, generally speaking, the only time we deal with dips--we are at our usual Friday Night Mexican Fiesta. We go out to eat at one of our favorite Mexican restuarants every Friday, and every person gets a small bowl of salsa and when we get our chile con queso, we ask for a small bowl per person for that as well...problem solved.