"Me want to go pee"
.... seriously?
The nearly-8 year old SS woke us up this morning with that line.
OK? Go then? we didn't move the bathroom since you went to bed last night.
And what nearly-8 year old talks like that????? Come on. He just wants daddy to come with him and hold his helpless little hand. Sigh. Such bonding.
- Lady Danger's blog
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Ewww... Does your DH
Ewww... Does your DH seriously "help" him in the bathroom or are you being facetious? My BS4 gets seriously ticked if I even pop my head in for a second to check on him when he is taking longer than normal.
He doesn't physically go in
He doesn't physically go in the bathroom but SS likes when he stands outside the door. DH has to get out of bed and walk down the hall, turn on the light, wait and help him back into bed.
This kid is cliiiingy - yesterday DH swept off the deck and SS had to wait inside (it's still cold in Canada). SS stood at the sliding door and just stared out at his daddy for 20 mins.
Yup: My BD is 2. She's
My BD is 2. She's semi-potty trained. Meaning that she will go on the potty sometimes but when she does she will go by herself and she wants her privacy. She needs help but she is a little "Miss Independant".
My BS is 4. He's fully potty trained but needs help to wipe himself. He usually wants someone to watch him, but he'll gladly go by himself and call us when he is done so that we can check on him.
SS? OMG!!! Up until the age of 11 (yes E-LEH-VAN!) would not go to the bathroom without his mother standing outside the bathroom door waiting for him to finish. He'd wipe himself but insisted that DW check him to make sure his butt was clean. Really embarassing! Especially when we are at parties. We were at my cousin's wedding and SS had a total meltdown because he had to poo and DW refused to watch him. We were at a reception hall and she wasn't going to take SS into the woman's washroom and she certainly wasn't going to follow SS into the men's washroom. SS ended up soiling himself.
Ohhhhhmigod. Seriously???
Ohhhhhmigod. Seriously??? That is crazy shit.
I just don't get how DH doesn't see how delayed and strange it is? DH only stopped wiping SS's butt last year (he was 6) and I asked him how in the hell he goes poo at school then? We find out that no one wipes his bum at school - HE DOES IT HIMSELF. It's not a matter of "can't" with SS, it's a matter of "won't" and wanting his dad to do it all for him.
Historically, DH has done everything for SS, so SS hasn't ever had to lift a finger around our house to do anything, even wipe his own ass! When I see DH load up a fork full of food and beg SS to eat it, it's like seeing a parent airplane feed a baby. Puke. I'd love to have a "miss independent" like you described but instead I have a helpless sucky SS.
God that would so irritate
God that would so irritate me. At 8 years old the only things they should be yelling you for is if they are stuck and theres no loo roll!
My SD3 is now at the stage of sometimes she wants me or her dad to go with her to the toilet, sometimes she rather goes alone. Either way I never have wiped her, Ill stand there and when she was younger Id sing some daft pee pee song and hand her the paper but shes got to wipe, if shes not sure shes clean then she can use a wet wipe too if she wishes but so long as its her wiping her own backside Im happy.
Yeah the baby talk would irritate me too, oh dear Im not sounding very nice lol!
That kid is going to have
That kid is going to have some serious issues as an adult
"It's a power struggle. He
"It's a power struggle. He wants the power of getting his dadddddeeeeee to jump to his commands. Talking in a baby voice probably does that. It's that frequency that the fathers can't ignore Sticking out tongue He wants Dad's attention, pure and simple."