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So...this is probably the beginning of the end...

ladynischera's picture

I'm just so tired...of the constant nagging, the constant drama. My choice to disengage from DH and his 2 y/o has been the only possible option so that I may maintain my sanity. The fact that I think of leaving him every day is testament to the point where our relationship has reached. I AM UNHAPPY. I AM BORED. I CANNOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME WE'VE EVEN HAD SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! When did our relationship get to this point? Was it in the midst of raising a precocious 7 month old? The burden of juggling both a military and nursing career? Or the two of us pursuing advanced degrees simultaneously? But let me digress...I will not do it anymore. I refuse to have you to continue to squash me down until i am jelly with no spine. In the midst of me trying to get time off from my new job to go to court with you for this pointless custody encourage me to QUIT MY JOB, just because they would not give me the time off? To give up my livelihood for you when you are no way capable of providing for all three of us without my additional income? No it does not work that way. You need to get your priorities straight...and I'm hoping you'll be able to do that without me in the picture. Even now I am squirreling money away...and yes, it will be a struggle to be a single mom, but i think you need to be alone for a while. I need to live my life in peace, without your constant butchering of my peace of mind. i harbor so much resentment against you, against your son, against your hoe of a BM who you impregnated. No, its not your fault that the bitch is crazy. But i am choosing to no longer deal with it. I am choosing to no longer feel anger when your family only wants to talk about your son instead of our daughter. Like she doesn't exist. Take care...I will be slowly pulling away from you and by the time you realize it, it'll probably be too late... I wish you well.



ladynischera's picture

Only lasted for about three sessions. He's not his real self when we're there. He's like a totally different person. Polite, conservative, FAKE. Thus no real issues are solved...because it's MY problem, because I'M the one that has all the issues. Sigh...

KeeKee's picture

...just wow. That's a pretty powerful paragraph you wrote. Good Luck to you. I have a feeling that you'll be just fine.