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Is this the true "upside down"?

LadyTremaine81's picture

I have an exceptionally great sense of humor about life, but I think I have finally decided it isn't funny anymore. Seriously, think nuclear bunker and start preparing. Once this generation hits 25  and start becoming our doctors and lawyers- we are all royally screwed. 

A little background.... I have one biological child and three step children. Currently, my step daughter is in a group home and the two boys and my daughter are with us. I'll touch on step daughter one day when I gather the strength to. I'm still rebuilding from Hurricane J, and not quite able to articulate the words and properly explain the havoc that one left behind..... I do refer to them all as my children as I have been "mom" since they were all very small, but for the purpose of this site- I will abbreviate for step children. I know they have been raised the same way I was after the age of 4. I did the bulk of the raising, and I did a good job. I just have to wonder if it is possible that birth mom's mutant genetics have somehow infiltrated and undone all my hard work or if it is a combination of this weird world we are living and the mutant genes taking over?

My SS is almost 16. Overall he is not a bad kid. He is respectful most of the time and when important to be. He doesn't do drugs, have sex or party with friends (I assure you he does not leave this house unless there is food guaranteed at our next stop). He does lie and steal. It got to the point we had cameras installed to curb the behavior.  He is diagnosed with multiple mental health issues and they believe him to be bi-polar. I think they are wrong. 

 This post is mostly to express my frustration with his mental health professionals. SS started a job a month ago working 3 days a week. One day after school and two on weekends. Grand total of 15 hrs weekly. Money was supposed to be saved toward his future vehicle (we would pay for half of the car). Friday he arrived home from work. Was irate and pacing the house. I asked for his paycheck and he went bonkers. I mean it was crazy. Threatening to kill himself. Threatening us. He attempted to punch my husband. Husband pinned him down and we called mobile crisis from his mental health facility. I'm anxiously awaiting for CPS to call now and tell us we shouldn't have restrained him and allowed him to attack my husband because restraining him was "abuse". Expecting that call in

Workers arrived. They assessed things. They LEFT. Said he is good to go. No problem here....When they left I was livid. How do they leave someone who is threatening to hurt themselves and others because they feel he is able to "communicate clear thoughts"? Well, after they left my step son collapses on the floor and cries hysterically. Because I do love him very much, I curled up next to him and held him tight. I asked him every question in the book. Is he on drugs? Can he tell me what is wrong? Did someone hurt him? Is it a girl problem? I asked everything. Nothing. After about an hour- he tells me it is stress from his job. 

I sh*t you not. Stress from working 15 hrs a week. He has one chore at home. He fails almost every single subject every quarter since 7th grade. What possible pressure is it to work weekends at 16?!

Anyway, I call his therapist yesterday expressing major concerns about all of this and the fact they left him after he threatened harm to himself and other people. Once again, I get met with some crap about how this is probably him overwhelmed with life. What life though?! He does nothing all day. Literally nothing. Around 5pm he feeds our dogs. That's it. His grades suck - haven't seen him do homework since 2011. No slap from reality for what happens when you threaten people? None for threatening your life? Nothing for exposing everyone in the home to his abuse for hours while he threw the world's most out of control temper tantrum all because he wanted to not work anymore (works at McDonald's btw).  

Step son wanted to quit his job after all of this. We let him. He won't be getting our half toward a car anymore. We will tell him that when the time comes. He surely isn't ready to drive after seeing that. 

Anyway, long story short- I think the therapist may be the mentally ill one. I'm not 100% convinced anything is wrong with this kid and feel like he may be turning into a manipulative little jerk in life. 

Mental health professionals that came told me they think he knows exactly what he was doing. 

It really is like we all live in some kind of parallel world to the world we grew up in. It looks the same, but it is basically the upside down of when things were healthy and considered "normal". 

I'd say maybe I should see a therapist and talk things out there but I think it has been established that may be totally useless.....


BethAnne's picture

It really doesn’t sound like he is putting this on to me. I don’t know anyone who could fake crying hysterically on the ground for an hour. It definitely seems like he has problems carrying out everyday activities. If his current therapist is not helping much, perhaps it is time to do some more research and seek out a second opinion. If he is on medication then that might need to be altered. If he isn’t then I would be asking if there is anything that could help him.

It sounds like you are struggling to cope and stay objective with his behavior. If true, it might be worth taking a step back yourself and getting your husband to be his son’s main champion with his health care team. Disengaging from this could help save your sanity and be more productive for you all.

It must be very tiring to be dealing with this everyday. Just remember that it is not a reflection of your parenting skills or your ss as a person but just the way his brain functions. 

tog redux's picture

His therapist told you: He's struggling to cope with life. He's struggling to deal with basic tasks that many teenagers can perform without trouble. He probably has depression and anxiety, perhaps ADHD, but certainly avoidance, poor coping skills and poor problem solving skills.

What he did the other night wouldn't warrant an admission to the hospital because it was rage, not genuine suicidal or homicidal intent, it was an outburst caused by his poor emotional regulation and coping skills.

He sounds well on his way to Failure to Launch.  The therapist actually probably has it right. You guys need to keep pushing him to try more and do more and not let him off the hook because he has a giant tantrum. Set expectations for him, as you were (taking his whole check seems unfair though, let him help decide what portion goes to savings and what goes in his pocket).

Find a therapist who will work with the whole family - DH is a big part of the solution (and I don't mean part of the problem, though DH might be, I don't know.)

LadyTremaine81's picture

His therapist said he needs to do less. She didn't suggest more. No one suggests he do anything at all. The school and the mental health workers suggest LESS. As a matter of fact, his school has passed him along every year since 7th grade after failing almost every subject every year. They even just said to me it isn't a big deal bc he is "bright" and he will just receive a non- regents diploma.  That is my entire issue here. No one suggests he have consequences. No one does anything about it. They all just cater to this kid and expect me to. How does anyone expect this kid to learn coping skills when everyone around him gives him the easy road in life?

He gets two weeks to turn assignments in that have a due date of tomorrow. Some of his teachers give him a grade of 50 for an assignment he never turns in because a zero is believed to be damaging. 


Where did I say we keep the entire check? He is able to ask us to make purchases for him and for money. All we ask is to manage the money so he is able to save.  We manage his money bc he has no sense of how to save. He has another part time job emptying garbages at the car wash down the road. He makes 25$ a day from that job. When he works that job - he keeps the money. I wouldn't judge us too much on the saving his check thing- he does not know how to save and once ordered pizzas to his school for his entire class with a paycheck. Every dime he had was gone in one day. 25$ a day ( when he feels like it) is more than enough money for a 16 year old who NEVER leaves the sofa unless it suits him to. Someone has to be the big kid around here and help him save, because we aren't buying a kid who fails in school and won't lift a finger to help out around here a car. We aren't those kinds of people. 

My issue is the therapist and the school. No one does anything. There is no consequence. 

He threatened to kill us with a car the other night. Now, I'm not rewarding that and allowing him to drive yet. I do not believe we are the issue. If I threatened to kill you by means of driving a car through your home- what would happen to me? Last I checked I'd probably be arrested. Maybe get a nice order of protection against me. What happens if I threaten to stab myself? That's right- I probably get a trip down to the ER. I failed one year in school- do you know what happened to me? I repeated the grade. 

The issue isn't us. We ask for this boy to have consequences. The issue is everyone else who has a hand in molding my children. 

tog redux's picture

I wasn't judging you - you said "I asked for his paycheck and he went bonkers" so I assumed you were taking it all. No need to get defensive. 

You guys decide what should happen, if you don't like the therapist, fire her.  I agree that he shouldn't have a car, but you don't have to let him quit his job or agree with the school's decisions.  You can also let him spend his money as he sees fit and learn how that leads to having no money.

Yes, everyone has a hand with your children, but ultimately, you guys should be the final decision makers and you should feel free to advocate for what you think is best for him.

And press charges the next time he threatens to kill you.

LadyTremaine81's picture

No one has any answers. All just suggestions on how to live around this kid and his issues. 

My other step son cant read. I had CPS called on me for making him read an hour a day. Do you know why he can't read? It isn't bc he has learning disabilities. It's because he doesn't feel like it. That's right. He doesn't want to do it. The school called CPS on me because he complained I made him read. Yep. I sure did. Gave up after that little incident though. Don't make him read anymore. Neither does the school..... they read for him and give him an iPad so he can use it for "writing" and "spelling". 

Keep thinking what we do is the problem though.... 

ESMOD's picture

Never underestimate the power of genetics.  My DH has a cousin who married a friend of his (against his advise.. don't date him girl).

this guy has a history of abuse of women.. rage issues and alcaholism.  Well.. did.. he died not too long ago under somewhat dubious circumstances while he was alone with his last wife.. whose first husband also apparently passed under less than clear circumstances.  but I digress.

Anyway.. this aquaintance of my DH's.. his father was a horrible man.. as in used to rape his daughter and make his other kids watch.. that kind of deranged.  All three of the kids ended up with varying degrees of mental and substance issues.. not surprising I guess.. and you might think it's from the trauma.. but I just think it's "rotten genes".

Because the boy that was born to my DH's cousin is a complete POS as well.. He has a rap sheet as long as the brooklyn bridge.  He is abusive and has substance abuse issues.

Oh.. and he actually had fairly little contact with his dad growing up.. he had great role models in his mom's brothers.. and his grandfather.. he was loved.. and led a nice life in a nice suburban neighborhood etc.. where he began dealing drugs...and all sorts of nonsense as a young teen.

So.. the grandfather.. to father to son.. all three of them are what I would categorize as "bad seeds".. and I just hope.. the boy doesn't procreate.. lol.  but I'm sure he will.

CLove's picture

Ive always held the belief that we are equal parts nature and nurture, but there is something I call "z" factor, like multiple dimensions. Something "other" inside us all. I do not believe that we are"biologial machines".

Recently I had started reading about the role of "spiritual ancestry" meaning that some believe that we carry through the trauma and sins of our predessecors somehow. This concept is pretty ancient. I mean how would DNA be a determinate of being a rapist? I understand that mental illness can be passed down genetically. Does that mean rape is a mental illness? I digress.

So - if people who are raised to be "decent", having a good life with no trauma, taught to tell the truth and not steal - but continue the "sins" of their genetic parents, that would make us biological machines, right, cutting out the "z" factor, that Other Thing that we are, spirit if you will.

Im still trying to wrap my head around this new generation - are video games destroying the brains like we read about? Is it in the water? Is it mutant genes? If so, why is one child so different from the other, as in the case of Feral Forger SD20 and Munchkin SD13.

I see them being so different, yet, same genetics and same parenting.

LadyTremaine81's picture

I'm googling and reading now. I am open to anything. I really am. It certainly would seem the odds are at least one of them would be delightful. It isn't the case. 

I will touch on my step daughter (14)here for a moment. I coddled her. She seemed to need more of me than anyone. I understood it. I felt bad she had no mother to love her. I did everything with her. At times I spent more time with her than anyone else - including my own daughter. At age 11 she turned into a different person. The gloves were off. She was violent. Out of control. Started having sex. She would sneak out. We, again, did everything we could. Then one day she attacked a little girl in school and put her in a coma. Again, I pushed for real consequence. Thought maybe some time in juvie was needed. I asked them to please charge her and do something. They did nothing. Put her on a pins petition (it isn't even probation- basically she was monitored by probation, but not on probation- they cant drug test her or any of that). Well, about a week after this she settled down- or so I thought- a week later she threw my daughter into a glass window. My husband and I scrambled to try and get her help, yet again. No help. Well, she says to my husband one morning- I want you to leave mom. He says for what? She says because I want my phone back. He says "you think you deserve your phone back right now?" She storms out and goes and accuses of child abuse at school. Again, we get investigated. Nothing happens because she was spoiled and not abused. She admits to CPS she lied and just doesn't want rules. CPS puts her in a group home because we finally say - we can't have her here. She is violent and will not accept responsibility and will not abide by the rules. Well, since being in the group home she has been banned from the school there for fighting (she is quite scrappy for someone who barely weighs 100 lbs and is 5 ft tall). She had sex with a boy she met who is 19. Police did nothing about that (it was reported by us and staff). Her therapist believes she is a sociopath. So do I. I'd say it is fairly certain at this point . I'm afraid of her. There is something inside this girl that is terrifying and yet, I still ache in my heart for her and want her to do better and be a better person. 

So, I'm down for this idea. I worked for a native American man who told me once that we all carry good and evil inside of us. He was extremely enlightened. So, I'm researching this now. 

Thank you! 

LadyTremaine81's picture

And, the feral thing always makes me chuckle. We call my SD, Mowgli (obviously not to her face or in front of anyone else). 

CLove's picture

Reading articles also, because I have been striving to understand this more.

If you are of the Christian faith, you would believe that we are "born bad" and must struggle through it with your faith.

Many religions address this.

Some genetic studies I am reading:

LadyTremaine81's picture

The genetics are strong here. Believe me, they are. All 3 of the children have shown signs of some issues that are not entirely our doing.  What I do know about birth mother (the surrogate as I prefer to call her) is not good. Seven children. Left these 3. Then left another two. And now has two small children with her. She attempts to reach out to me (God knows why) from time to time, and I always try to do right by these kids and think maybe they should know her (signed her rights over years ago) and she immediately makes me regret it. She threatened to shoot SS16 last year when she called on his birthday because he asked her if she would just allow me to adopt him already. She became enraged when he said that. It's just been a lot. 

I'm not sure the mental health professionals my step son sees are entirely accurate in his diagnosis either. I believe he shows sign of a personality disorder, and I'd venture to say the surrogate has one (one time she sent me a message calling my disabled daughter "retard". I mean, who picks on a disabled kid or any kid, for that matter, at the age of 35?). 

Thank you for your comment. It was nice hearing from someone who believes it could be just genetic. I lean toward genetic and a product of whatever we are doing wrong collectively as a society. And, we have to admit- we have done something wrong. 


Ispofacto's picture

In my middle 20s, I had a baby with a handsome charming man of my dreams, only to later get the living sh!t beaten out of me by him.

Turns out he had a wrap sheet a mile long, and was diagnosed with AsPD.

I thought babies were born clean slates.  Boy was I wrong.

My YDS had ADHD.  In kindergarden, he was the only one in his school in two years to be referred for evaluation.  He was prescribed Concerta, which helped.

As a teen, he had a ODD, Conduct Disorder, and Explosive Disorder.  I think he really did want to do well in school, but he didn't know how.  He couldn't concentrate.  Imagine it like being drunk and trying to do schoolwork.  Exhausting.

Their brains aren't like ours.  They part of the brain that controls impulses is smaller and less active.  The part of the brain that causes aggression is bigger and more active.  Their frustration tolerance is terrible.

About half grow out of it by their mid 20s.  Here is an article I found a long time ago, but it seems like the animation is broken, so here also is the animation:

My kid DID grow out of it, but he still isn't cut out for formal post-secondary education or a desk job.  He makes good money in the trades and doing mobile DJ tech.  He'll never make as much as my other kids.  But he's happy.

Your kid may or may not grow out of it.  I live in a county that does hold people responsible for things, so my son did do some time in juvie back in the day.


LadyTremaine81's picture

This gives me some hope. It really does. Thank you. We live in NY. I grew up in NC, and grew up with accountability as well. My brother stole a vehicle at 15 and sat in juvie for a year and on probation for a year after that. There is a huge difference in everything here. People down there send their kids out to the yard to pick the "switch" they get hit with for acting like fools.  CPS shows up over here over everything. You even look at these kids the wrong way and they show up. In our case every call was from school when one of them would complain about our parenting. Here it is like you need to be afraid to parent at all. I'm not talking about hitting anyone either. I had CPS called for making one son read a book one hour a day this past summer. I had them called once because I took my son's phone and he was upset. He tried to talk to the cops about that too, but I legally own the phone- so that was squashed instantly.... I can't imagine what would happen if we ever did lose it and spank one of these kids. Believe me, I have considered the fact the issue is none of them ever had a good smack in the mouth.  CPS is a joke around here. 

Kiwi_koala's picture

I feel your pain. I don't have children yet, but my youngest brother who is 23 has more problems than I could probably remember to list. According to his therapists and psychiatrists, he has OCD, ED, Bi polar disorder and borderline personality disorder. I've been struggling to understand this since he was diagnosed within the last year or so. I've always thought that there is something seriously wrong with this generation. It keeps getting worse. When I was in school ( just turned 31) the special ed classrooms were so small and barely any kids in my class were autistic or had ADHD. As each year passes I swear more kids have a "disorder". I think it comes from a variety of reasons. Some of which are, excessive screen time, playing video games at very young ages, cell phones, two parents working outside the home, poor soil quality, less home cooked meals, vegan diets during pregnancy and childhood, divorce and finally the biggest one of all lack of parenting and child centric homes. I understand your frustrations with the therapist and school. It does seem like your SS needs to develop better coping skills and having him do less is certainly not the way to accomplish that. He probably needs to have responsibilities added little by little instead of just giving him a big one and then expecting him to be able to handle it. He needs to be able to cope with things even if he does have a mental illness. How else will he function in life?! I saw this happen with my brother. He can handle less and less over time. Meanwhile he goes to support groups, therapy sessions, does DBT, takes a cocktail of medications and still cannot handle taking care of his freaking lizard or holding a part time job. I personally think it is because my parents do everything for him. It's laziness. He doesn't have to drive, pay for anything, no chores, doesn't clean his own messes and gets to play guessed it VIDEO GAMES all damn day. 

Also, PS: i live on long Island in NY and I've never seen kids who are coddled so much in my life. This must be the most child centric state I've ever seen...aside from CA.

LadyTremaine81's picture

Thank you! A fellow New Yorker who is seeing it too! You narrowly escaped the generational issue btw. I am also a college student (my daughter is finally healthy enough for me to finish) and last year in one of my classes - a 20 yr old student asked a professor what the difference between New Mexico and Mexico are. I could have died. I assure you- (I'm 38)when I was in school the disorders were even fewer. We had the occasional student with down syndrome (we loved those kids and were so kind) and only one person I knew had ADHD. That was K-12th grades btw. It is crazy to me things are so common now. I agree with every single thing you listed as possible causes as well. 

So happy someone else sees the issues here. 


Kiwi_koala's picture

Yes! I escaped it by a hair lol. My middle brother and I used to talk about it. He was born in 94 and noticed the grades after his were getting crazier and more entitled. It's honestly scary to me.  Oh my gosh. Seriously? They said that? How are these kids making it past 5th grade ugh. My boyfriend's youngest brother has down syndrome. I have empathy and patience for people who are truly  developmentally challenged from birth or some kind of genetic disorder. I just think it's over the top nowadays with so many people being diagnosed with a disorder. Anyway, I had to comment because your SS reminded me of my brother so much. It sounds like he might have a personality disorder. My brother has a hard time regulating his emotions. I hear that's part of BPD. After what I read about his bio mom it wouldn't be surprising. They have the genetics from her and the abandonment issues she has caused as well.