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Any moment now

Lalena75's picture

Waiting for either SO to forward me texts or come home and tell me all about BM flipping out. Why because I had SO take his dd to get a haircut before picture day. She looked like a homeless bum her hair a birds nest and she has really pretty hair when it's taken care of ( used to be beautiful until 8 months of lice treatment) so I had him get long layers cut with a little trim, she had all one length long blunt cut from BM hacking her hair boy short. Now it's just below her shoulders and needed something done. SO wanted me to take her and I wasn't having that. His dd this morning while I helped her do her hair said "I won't tell mom I got my hair cut." Me; "we don't lie there is no reason not to tell her it looks beautiful your dad had them do a good job." sd: "mom will be mad at you." Me; "that's okay only thing that matters is you like it."


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I HATE hearing stuff like that. "Mom will be mad at you. I won't tell my mom I got my hair cut."

Okay, that's something that kids get excited about...a new 'do, looking nice, getting to make a choice about their appearance. She should be able to share that excitement with her mom. "Hey mom! Check out my hair! Isn't it awesome? Dad took me to get it cut!" Mom should be like, "Right on! Thanks Kid'sDad! Hey Kid, it sure looks fantastic! I especially like the (insert any compliment here)!"

The last thing this kid needs to be worried about is her mom flipping her shit over her haircut. Besides, it's not like he took her to get a tattoo and her first hooker. It's a haircut! Wow. Some parents.

Disneyfan's picture


She did everything but take her herself. LOL

Of course mom is going to be angry. She will know dad didn't come up with the idea and style on his own.

sandy1234's picture

They are a unit so no lol She didn't "basically do it herself". But yeah I agree its sad she knows BM will be mad for SD being happy. Should she hate everything you guys do for her? Lol

Anon2009's picture

I don't know what your relationship with sd is like. If you two don't get along, you should consider disengaging.

I think if you do get along (well, regardless of that) dh needs to really help sd learn to cope with bm.

Disneyfan's picture

Yeah, you're right.

However, the picture day piece makes it seem like having a cute picture was the driving force in all of this.

bellladonna's picture

This is what I was thinking. If it was such a mess why did they wait until picture day to cut it?

Both parents should be ashamed of the themselves for letting her walk around looking like that until picture day.

kathc's picture

They knew damn well BM would throw a shit fit, that's why they waited. I'm sure they've been waiting and waiting and waiting for BM to take care of it and then when it comes to picture time they wanted the girl to feel pretty for her pictures and were willing to deal with BM's shit storm so the little girl can be happy about having nice pictures.

Lalena75's picture

We brush her hair, we style her hair, we have done all the upkeep including the lice treatments. BM blames us for the lice of course even though it was an ongoing issue before I even met SO.
Her hair looks like crap because BM leaves her hair to her (sd) to do. She's 7. The hair has been trimmed in the past by me. She can't keep it nice it's a disaster. I suggested the haircut because it's beyond needed. I showed SO several suggestions and let him handle it from there. BM will have a fit regardless of who took her, heck she ranted and raved because their son lost a toy and rather than admit he lost it accused me and my cousin and cousins kid of stealing it (cousins dad is BM's next door neighbor). Last my cousin saw of said toy skid was carrying it home then she left her dads and went home. I was at my house nowhere near either of them. Yet BM is nutso enough to threaten us because a 6 year old said we stole his crappy toy.
CPS has been called by me, by SO and by a doctor, for lice, for bedbugs, for abuse. All unfounded.