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Gritting my teeth to keep control!

Last In Line's picture

Had to work yesterday, got a text on the way home "can you stop and get blah blah blah at the store" which of course I did, but wtf, you were home ALL DAY while I was at work and I'm TIRED!

Woke up this morning feeling crappy but have 2 skids and 2 skid friends here, and in-laws coming to visit, so can't wait to feel better, need to clean up the sink full of dishes, sweep up all the crap that's all over the floor, etc. Kids bathroom is nasty but I refuse to deal with that. DH forgot to ask me to get kid drinks yesterday, so all we have is COKE, which they don't need, so another trip to the store this morning for drinks. UGH Little stuff I know, but I want a break. And a house elf.


EvilAngel's picture

I feel for you! I had to deal with the same crap this morning. Now I finally get some peace because I got them all out of the house! And let me borrow your house elf if you find one! Smile

Wah-wah-11's picture

Let me know when you find this elf! I need the elf & Alice from the Brady bunch! 1 day of work equals destroyed house.

microstep's picture

Alice from the Brady bunch would be tight. Make sure you tell yourself how much of a badass you are after you accomplish all of that and deal with that many people. Smile

ltman's picture

After driving for 18 hrs, dh who had been home ALL week texts me at 3am requesting I stop and pick up milk.

The was no reply.

So he called.

There was no reply.

He called again.

At that point I walked in the door and went straight to bed. Ignored his attempts to wake me up at 8am. Somewhere between 8 and 9 the spirit of a grizzly bear took over my brain and I verbally bit off his head and shit down his throat. Over a damn gallon of milk that either he or the then 21 yo could have gotten.

Last In Line's picture

I agree with this, however they refuse to drink water, and if "their" drinks aren't available they drink whatever non-water drink they can get their hands on (unless it's milk, they won't touch that either). I don't mind having only water and milk in the house, but DH would dry up and die if he didn't have his coke/pepsi/other crap drink. He has been buying most of their drinks because he knows how I feel about it, but this morning, since we had 2 spare kids here, I went on and did it so he would still have his drinks.

bearcub25's picture

My DSO told me once that we need to have pop bc the skids don't have anything to drink.

The poor little things only had water to drink. Yes each skids sucking down a 6 pack of pop in 2 days is so much better for them.