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Loghead's temp job ending...

Last-Wife's picture

... Friday is his last day. He has actually been home withe the flu the last 2 days. I think the empty house is getting to him. He's been cleaning! Like things I begged him to clean MONTHS ago. I finally quit nagging, and left it alone. That didn't help either, but now it's cleaned up.

We have money issues to talk about. I was planning to do teach summer school for the first time ever (I hate the idea of giving up my summer) but sadly, there is a bill in our state legislature to cut state funding for summer school programs.

Loca Grande has announced that she will not provide care for PITA 15 until he can learn to treat her nice. She told him she wasn't getting his braces, even though it is in the parenting plan. (Isn't that a legal document?)

Princess has her 18th birthday in 2 weeks, prom in a month, senior trip 2 days later, and dorm deposit due 2 weeks after that.

PITA must attend summer basketball camps as a Varisty player.

By the time I pay the house payment, I have about $600 left to spend each month. I automatically put $100 in savings. That leaves the rest as my "fun" money, and money for gas and my expenses. I commute just under 90 minutes a day, with Gibby along for the ride. We don't get home till late, and often grab a quick burger or salad on the way home. I use what little money is left after that to do things I want for me.

I am scared. I can't support the family on my own. I had a small health scare today, due to stress.

And Loca Grande gets disability for her Bi-Polar, and then works just enough hours flipping burgers to still qualify. The kids rarelt visit for more than 24 hours at a time now. She has no bills or expenses. She blew her tax refund on crap the kids didn't need, and is telling them she's taking them to the Bahamas for Christmas.

This pisses me off. I work hard all day, and I feel like I don't have much to show...

On the bright side, our "happy" streak is now 11 days running. And I do have fun plans with friends Friday night. (Vampires and werewolves are involved... LOL) Gibby is visiting my parents this weekend, and I'm going to meet up with them for a day out of town too!


New at this's picture

its my second day, so I don't know who log head is, but halleluyah to someone else doing cleaning other than us!!! Money is tight with the economy, especially with the only income in the house along with teenagers. You are not alone in money struggles, although that does no good to say, because you still have to deal with the problem. Working summers stinks, but I'm guessing the kids going to summer school will get the benefit of you being there to help them!