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What Would You Think?

LikeMinded's picture

So... I had to go to BM's web site to find her fax number... and I was kind of shocked at how strange it was. I'm wondering what you would think.

Let's say you were looking for a healthcare practitioner in your town and you followed a link from Yelp to a potential provider's web site. The top of the web site looks pretty standard, it has the name of the practice and a nice head shot of the practitioner. As you scroll down though, you see two boy's pictures. Baby pictures, kid pictures, tween pictures, on and on... as far as you can scroll down.

The baby pictures and kid pictures are cute enough, but the tween pictures are more and more awkward (lol!), and the photographer had more and more of a hard time making those one kid sitting on the other kid's back look good...

Would you think this was cute and select this person to take care of your health? Or would you think she's nuts?

I mean I know she's nuts, I'm just wondering what you'd think.

(I'm embarassed for my step sons, some of these pictures are just awkward as h3ll and should not be online, but that's beside the point.)


Exjuliemccoy's picture

No, I wouldn't think it was cute. I would think it unprofessional, and question the judgement of someone who would put their children's picture out there in such a public way.

notasm3's picture

I do not have any real interest in my healthcare professional's children.

I had a fabulous internist for almost 20 years when I lived in Northern California. I knew she was married but didn't know for years that she did not have children - she only had one skid. Bless her heart.

I had a pulmonary doctor that was great too. I knew that he adored his wife and that he had two high achieving (Yale, Princeton) sons - but that came from our conversations over 20 years not his web site.

Snowflake's picture

My doc actually has cute pics of his daughters in every room in his offices. They are pretty cute and he seems to be a proud pop. He also has quotes of scripture all over his walls. It isn't the reason that I go there. He is a great doc who I actually entrust my families health with.