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Lillywy00's picture

Well instead of going into a negative mood like that dude did a few weeks ago I decided to take the advice I would give him and did give him....

BE the change you want to see. 

The change I want to see from myself and others around me is kindness, patience, forgiveness, assertiveness, ethics, motivated, generous, faith, and more. 

The next 21 days I will practice being more of this. Assertiveness, motivated, and faith are at the top of my list. 

And see where it goes!


justmakingthebest's picture

My office has this gratitude jar in our kitchen. I love that stupid thing. I made a goal in June of filling out something I am thankful and grateful for every day. There were days were I was not happy about anything. Court was coming up and I was stressed. School was ending for my kids and my exchange student was leaving so I was sad. 

That jar was really a good exercise for me to focus on the positive things in my life, because there are SO many! I still fill out a card every few days, but my 30 day goal was just overall good for me. I recommend getting one for your house, it's just a clear cookie type canister and little business card size papers to fill out. --- Actually, writing this out, I'm getting one for my house too. It would be good for my whole family. 

CLove's picture

Im going through a lot of mess and resentment. I need to retrain the part of my brain that gets so attached to that, and reattach to more positive.