What do YOU think? Moms that smoke pot
Let's assume that the mothers in question are great citizens that pay their taxes, have real jobs, are responsible adults, etc. etc. etc. Now.. what do you think?
For the record - I have smoked a bowl or 2 in my day - and having lived with a teenager (and a girl at that) I can easily see the pros AND cons of this.
- lilsadone's blog
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I don't do this, for the
I don't do this, for the record and purely because I have a very spiteful and evil exH who would make my life hell on earth if he ever found out about it.
Now with that being said- I don't have a problem with it. i am all for legalization. Don't do it around the kids obviously but if they are in bed or not home, who cares? Be responsible like an adult who enjoys a drink on occasion (or nightly glass of wine) and I think its fine.
"let's assume that the
"let's assume that the mothers in questions are great citizens that pay their taxes, have real jobs, are responsible adults, etc. etc. etc"
I hear about this a lot in theory, but I have yet to meet a person in real life who actually fits this bill AND smokes pot regularly.
And even if they ARE all of those things, what is the message they're sending to their kids?
I know a very large number of
I know a very large number of people that fit in this group. Educated people, business owners, etc. You would be surprised to see what happens behind closed doors. They treat pot like I treat alcohol- Not to excess, not around kids.
I'm sure it can be done ..
I'm sure it can be done .. most things are harmless in moderation .. but like I said, I've never met a person who smokes pot regularly (several times a week) and meets all those other criteria.
And I get the point about treating pot like alcohol, the only caveat being that in most states, pot is still illegal. Regardless of how people feel about the law, it's still a law, and it's wrong to break it.
And I totally get the fact
And I totally get the fact that it is illegal. That is why I don't do it personally. However if it was legal...
I can see this point. I
I can see this point. I actually didn't even try pot until I was WELL into my adult years. When I finally did, and others opened up to me about their secret use of it as well -- I was floored that so many people, high level VP's, company owners, with (from the outside, from what I could tell anyway) great families were all pot smokers. However this was all in California. Might just be a way of life in some states.
I'm one. I make almost 6
I'm one.
I make almost 6 figures, own my own home and other things I need IN MY NAME ONLY.
I DO NOT drink and personally I think drinking is worse than weed.
What type of message do adults send kids when they come home from work and crack a beer or 6 pack. Or the adults that come home and say 'I had a rough day. I NEED a drink.'
Just because alcohol is legal it makes it OK? How many people complain their kids or skids are sneaking out or lying to go to keg parties more than they are hitting a doobie behind the garage.
I never said drinking alcohol
I never said drinking alcohol in front of kids was okay either.
Although, alcohol IS still legal ..
Why do "they" call weed
Why do "they" call weed drugs, and alcohol, alcohol??? I'm in the medical field, and I've never seen anyone come into the ER saying "I think I smoked too much pot." The reverse is true with ETOH, most people in the ER are there for having used ETOH, or hurt by someone that drank alcohol. Look up the statistics some time regarding the used of alcohol and ER admissions. People that I know don't drive when they are "stoned", they just order in pizza
One of the points I was trying to make is that they are both chemicals. I rest my case. }:)
I fit that bill, or rather,
I fit that bill, or rather, almost have in the past. I used to smoke fairly regularly (usually once at night after I was done with work, or errands and was sure I was staying in for the night). However I don't have a child - and didn't during that time. When I first moved in with SO I smoked if I felt like it, but mostly did not purely because I hated that I was doing something illegal.. but I definitely never touched the stuff when she was around - but still felt guilty about it because in addition to it being illegal here - what kind of example did I want to set for her.. even if not her parent I would NEVER want her to know or find anything, etc. So to avoid that, the best thing to do was STOP smoking. So I did. (where I moved from it was legal, and here it is not). When things started going badly with my exSO's 14 year old - I started smoking some that I still had left about an hour before I knew she would be around. That way it took the edge off my anger, things irritated me a lot less, and because I did it in advance, I didn't have to worry about being perceived as acting different (although my exSO always told me I just seemed happier, never "high"). But after a few of her visits like that I realized I was probably using it as a band-aid instead of addressing the real issues we all were having - so I STOPPED again and that was last year. Probably will pick it back up when I'm back in California, though.
I couldn't see myself doing it regularly with a young child, because of all the fears I'd have as a mom in general of things going wrong that you need to be able to respond to immediately (like emergencies, sickness, etc.). However, I have to admit, I don't know if I would immediately see anything horribly wrong with it if one had an older child - and took precautions of where/when they decided to smoke. There are also the valid fears of your child finding out, especially at an older age. No matter how "responsible" you are - you can't preach that drugs are bad if you're doing them yourself. Though I think I could openly admit to my ADULT children if that were the case. Also I think these parents if they're married - would create some type of rule that both parents couldn't be under the influence at the same time - to be sure that someone was 100% sober if there were an emergency. With all that said, I'm not the type to get high and melt into the sofa all night - like people seem to think about all smokers. When I lived in California where smoking is legal, I had a prescription and only purchased what was described as a "creative, alert" weed. Because of that I was always super alert and on top of things - but that's just me. I can't speak for everyone that smokes. I'm sure there are those that abuse it, just as some abuse alcohol and other drugs.
That makes a lot of sense to
That makes a lot of sense to me. I know it CAN be done, I just don't know many frequent smokers who continued to do so with children in their care. Usage typically dropped to less than 1x a week or only socially.
Granted, I don't know a lot of smoms that deal with some of the things I see on here either LOL
HAHA! Seriously! The things
HAHA! Seriously! The things these women (and men) have gone or are going through on this site.. Oy!
Every time I log in and read
Every time I log in and read some of the stories here, I instantly feel better about my situation and count my blessings!
>>>>i want to authentically
It's not illegal in every
It's not illegal in every state
yes but there are a variety
yes but there are a variety of reasons one can smoke it LEGALLY in a few states - many of those reasons being some of the reasons the the mothers in the articles were dealing with. I don't know which were smoking legally or not - but the FACT is that it isn't always illegal.
^^THIS I agree 100% .. plus,
I agree 100% .. plus, DH is law enforcement, so how the heck would we explain THAT?!
Does anyone here have PARENTS
Does anyone here have PARENTS that smoked pot when they were growing up -- maybe openly or told you when you became an adult?
My parents were very
My parents were very straight-edge .. a wild night for them was a 6 pack of wine coolers on a special occasion LOL
And if they could do it with 5 kids full time, I think I can manage with 2 skids part time
I found out about my parents
I found out about my parents socially smoking as an adult. You would think total straight edge people but hey, I never knew about it. They work very hard, one owns a business the other is a medical professional. They have fun, are responsible, and great grandparents and parents. No problems, just like their friends. They are all the same with it.
Yep, my parents smoked. Dad
Yep, my parents smoked. Dad told me he smoked and that it wasn't a big deal. He was very open about it. Never touched the stuff.... I don't have a problem with it though. My Dad was just an old hippie!
Both DH's parents smoked weed
Both DH's parents smoked weed while raising him. DH was a frequent smoker until SS was born. He decided he wanted to do things differently.
For the record MIL has 3 kids that don't speak to her because she is a freakin crazy loser. Heavy on the CRAZY.
And (bio) FIL has 3 kids (they only have DH in common) that DON'T SPEAK TO HIM. And he is a freakin crazy loser.... heavy on the crazy.
No I dont think pot smoking
No I dont think pot smoking is cool-when you are trying to be a productive citizen and raise a family. It kind of works against that since you are breaking the law which then puts all that to risk. Not to say I havent tried it in my time, I just decided it wasnt what a "responsible" adult would do-just my opinion. I also think any time you use substances to "make yourself feel better" you are headed down a dangerous road-I've had a drink here or there-and make jokes about using wine to help me with life-but frankly I drink very little-maybe a couple of glasses a month. Almost anything in life is ok with moderation-but when you are breaking the law in order to have that moderation or you begin to use it to deal with your stressful life-lets' face it you've got problems.
My dh's family are big time pot smokers. I mean daily pot smokers. Multiple times a day. And they are big losers. They are unhappy, selfish people who have no morals and values. They have no real jobs and allow others to support them. Just a coincidence? Who knows, but I'm not willing to take the chance myself.
Some of you keep talking
Some of you keep talking about it being illegal, as some pointed out...not in all states. I have a license and I smoke a couple times a week, to me it is better than drinking alcohol, but that's just me. I recently had surgery and it was a much better pain relief than meds. I wish I smoked when my dad had cancer, I could have offered him some and it would have helped his pain. I know a lot of people that smoke regularly and they are productive citizens, pay their bills, hold normal jobs, raise kids. Just like there are people who abuse alcohol, there are people who abuse pot. But for some there is not as much as a stigma for the alcoholic vs the pothead. My motto is 'everything in moderation'.
BM smokes it like a chimney
BM smokes it like a chimney and she is always looking for a man to support her and her habit. She is working now because she hasn't found the one yet again.
BM and DH used to smoke the funny cigs in front of the kids as they grew up and one kid is embarrassed by their parents drug use the other one is a druggy. DH quit and BM didn't she HAS to have it along with AD's.
I know kids that started using it young and are now coke or meth-heads and live miserable destructive lives. I know people that have smoked pot for years and barely hold down a job and are not motivated to do anything other than get high.
IMHO, pot or alcohol either one can consume your life, and every time you have a bad hair day you have to have some to make it through the day. The next thing you know it is all you think about or want to do.
I have smoked pot and drank and think it can become a crutch and/or a obsession.
Anything can become a crutch
Anything can become a crutch or a obsession, food, alcohol, pot, games on your computer, gambling. If you have an addictive gene you need to watch out for any of these addictive vices. I have a niece who says she thinks she could become a gambler. As with anything else...if you abuse it, it will abuse YOU.
Very pro MJ here!! I think
Very pro MJ here!! I think it's kind of crazy that I have gone to dinner with fh, his cousin,( who is a marshal),all of his cop friends,and everyone's critters,we drink way to many pitchers of margaritas and go home.Thats fine and dandy but, me smoking on the porch swing late at night when the kids are in bed and I could turn on the security system (just for those who say they're inside alone!?!)is illegal?????? Wtf! No,it's not for everyone,but neither is drinking I can't drink to be social I drink for the buzz which for me isn't what it is for others.I have never had a one night stand or made an ass out of myself "high".It's also a shame that tons of money is used for free food and shelter(jail) for "criminals" who have never harmed another soul! Decriminalize! High schoolers have ruined their chance at their dream college because of a bong,give me a break! Noone said Phelps smoked and got a medal a productive pot head,never! Ask a teen in your life to get a bottle of patrone,it's gonna take a while! Ask them for an 1/8 and they will give you directions where to go! End prohibition! Educate and regulate! A drug dealer will not ask for your child's I.D.!
I know 2 frequent smokers.
I know 2 frequent smokers.
And BM.
My DAD is retired medically. He has a disease that causes chronic pain. He has a disease that usually ends in SELF INFLICTED DEATH (seriously, that is what is statically recorded). I don't care that my dad smokes. He has no kids at home. He has a LEGITITMATE medicinal card, and if it takes away his pain then so be it.
BM is just a lazy piece of shit, and the pot doesn't help matters.
I have never smoked. EVER. So I probably have a nieve point of view. So, I will just say that I don't think it should be done unless or until it is made legal.
You know, people also consume
You know, people also consume "edibles." Those come in different strengths and like pot - different strains help with different symptoms (pain, anxiety, etc). Not all users necessarily smoke it.
I hate pot and honestly do
I hate pot and honestly do not want to be around anyone smoking it. To me that is something that kids do and when I say kids I mean children in their teens or maybe at the oldest under age 25.
I can see if there is a legitimate medical need and I really feel for people like your poor dad BS, my God! that is awful.
But I have found that I personally like seeing things clearly and I think pot and drinking too much too, only allows you to lie to yourself.
I used to be stupid but now am addicted to seeing things clearly!
Also I will be damned if I would ever vote to legalize it or any drug. I am very anti-drug period, after a lot of bad experiences among people I know, sorry.
I am still forced to deal with this on occasion and it really ticks me off!
BM spends all her money on
BM spends all her money on weed and then complains that when SS is with her she doesn't have enough money to feed him!!! BTW, SS is not even a big eater.
She complains about SS getting into trouble but has no problem taking him with her to a bong shop. :jawdrop:
I found this thread while
I found this thread while trying to come to grips with my parents smoking pot around my children during a recent family barbeque. I was livid and am contemplating severing our relationship. There are many, many pro marijuana posters on this thread. Many of them tout their stats - earning six figures, being successful, managing their pot use responsibly. What you don't see is the slew and majority of potheads that aren't on this thread simply because their welfare check isn't enough to buy a computer...and they can't spell marijuana anyways.
I am a child of pot. I was probably high before I was a month old on a contact buzz. My parents smoked in front of me consistently - and later, with me. Strangers were constantly in my home getting high. My clothes stank, my closet was used to house a lighting fixture to grow a pot plant, I was frequently told to go outside for hours when my folks would party, even before I was in elementary school. Every person that I have ever come into contact with that is a doper has emulated this lifestyle. And they only did pot! Every house my parents took me to was filthy and unkept. They all had dogs that they loved to blow smoke at, the kids always ran around without a shirt on and were dirty. I grew up this way, and of course I smoked too. I hung around with kids who smoked...and wouldn't you know it...their parents were NOT CEOs or sucessful people. They were just like my family. I thought that this was normal. I escaped by joining the service. And I honestly couldn't beieve that the way that I was raised was not normal, moreseo - that it was not right. I will NEVER forget the feelings of anxiety that I had when I was five and the police raided my house. I will never forget the cell that I visited my mother in. I will never forget the empty stare and stifled laugh that my parents would hoarsely whisper at something funny.
You can all say that you aren't those parents. But the truth is, that most of the potheads are those parents. Worse, even if they aren't; they likely interact with one that is in order to purchase their dope.
Ask yourself - if you are so unable to function without a doobie, don't you have a bigger problem? Life isn't supposed to be easy. It is supposed to be authentic. It is supposed to be sad, and hard, and joyous, and rewarding. It sure is nice to know what those feelings really feel like....instead of the thick resin laced smokescreen that my folks used to pretend that they were big boys and girls.
Having children is a committment...to THEM - not you. I am amazed at how many parents feel so entitled and deserving of a toke. Who should be coming first here? Your children are a blessing, focus your energy on them, and give them the most wholesome life that you can - show them that life is worth actually living with your eyes wide open...not half closed in a blank stare.