lilsadone's Blog
What do YOU think? Moms that smoke pot
Let's assume that the mothers in question are great citizens that pay their taxes, have real jobs, are responsible adults, etc. etc. etc. Now.. what do you think?
For the record - I have smoked a bowl or 2 in my day - and having lived with a teenager (and a girl at that) I can easily see the pros AND cons of this.
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Would You Ever?
Just curious, for those of you who ended up not being able to make your relationships work with your DH or SO mostly due to poor parenting/skid problems - and broke up - are there any of you who ended up getting back together after being separated for a period of time? IF you got back together, were things better the 2nd time around?
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Fathers Day Question: Need Advice
So to catch everyone up on the backstory (or you can just read one or two of my past blogs) - SO is now my ExSO and I'm moving back home soon. But that date hasn't approached yet and I am still here. I planned to be gone by now but work stuff and health stuff got in the way.
So since I am here still and hadn't planned to be - I didn't get my ExSo a fathers day gift or anything.
Do you think I should???
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My weekend update - good and bad, but mostly "whatever"
So in my last blog I let you all know I was leaving SO - well he dumped me and I am moving back to my home state. Also I was torn on what to do about a concert we were planning to attend on Saturday with another adult couple, that I had a feeling exSO was going to bring his d14 to even though we had discussed it being an adult evening (because it was her visiting weekend).
The details are here:
It's been a while - here's my update (I'm leaving)
So things have been getting more stressed between me and SO and his d14. I moved to Texas from California to try out a long term relationship with him since I work from home, and I can be anywhere for my job. That was almost 2 years ago.
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What's my problem? Got any Advice for me?
I'm not sure if this issue is just me being bitter - and if that's the case, maybe someone reading this can help by giving me some tips on getting over it..
I can't stand to see pictures or items of my boyfriends "past life" as it were. Sometimes he'll come across photos or other nostalgia from when he and his ex-wife and daughter were a happy family.
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Look at us all - all synced up here
Not our time of the months - I just mean it looks like a lot of people also have their skid visiting this weekend.
It's nice to be synced with other people this weekend- considering it's valentines weekend and all. I feel like there will be a lot of complaining on the boards - which is fine by me - I'll be here contributing my fair share, I'm sure.
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Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting, To Be Euthanized
This made me literally laugh out loud today -- then imagined FSD14 in the video -- then I felt bad about thinking that way -- then I laughed again in a maniacal way that only step moms can do }:)
Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting, To Be Euthanized
The parents of 13-year old Caitlin Teagart have decided to end her life, saying she can now do nothing but lay on the couch and whine about things being "gay."
Pets and the Skids
I was originally posting this as a comment on Auteurs blog - but realized how quickly it was turning into a full blown RANT - so decided instead to post a new entry for it.
Auteur brought up the irresponsible pet ownership by the BM in her post..
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Because we ALL deserve a laugh
There really need to be more internet memes dedicated to step parents (or live in girlfriends of men with kids)
because seriously - we need the laughs more than most other people!
Don't worry it's not spam or anything, I guess I just can't embed images on this forum.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
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