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Food Issues

lily11's picture

We have food issues at our house. It creates a lot of tension.

I am a bit of a health and exercise nut and DH is very active and eats pretty well too. We don't eat at fast food restaurants and we don't keep hot dogs, candy bars, etc in the house. We don't judge anybody else's choices, this is just what we do.

ss16 is overweight and lives on hotdogs, candy bars, soda etc. I don't care what he lives on the rest of the year, but I don't want that in my house and refuse to buy it. The resentment from him builds and builds the entire time he's here.

DH takes him for fast food or junky food at the movies about once a week. We order out pizza for him once a week and take him out to a restaurant where he can get a burger and fries once week. The rest of the time we cook at home and he practically refuses to eat he's so disgusted with the way we eat. We do try to prepare meals based on his preferences but he keeps "changing" his preferences and is now refusing to eat fruit or vegetables. When we do break down and buy him junk food, he eats it so unbelievably fast that DH and I are both pretty repulsed.

I don't feel we should change our entire lifestyle to accomodate this kid. I think it's fair to make some reasonable accomodations for him but I don't think he should be pressuring us to the point that we change the way we live our life while he's here.

DH doesn't want ss16 to eat like this at our house and ss16 even tells DH he wants to lose weight. But DH always gets worn down by him slowly but surely. Gradually more and more food that we never eat finds it's way into our kitchen and it makes me so mad because I know DH doesn't want it, he's giving in to ss16. I'm the only one who tries to keep things consistent.

I know this is not really a food issue. It's a power issue between me and ss16. I feel this kid takes over my house and I'm struggling to maintain control of how I think we should live our lives. I don't think a 16 year old boy should be determining what we buy at the grocery store or where and how often we go out to eat. I honestly feel like this kid wants to run our lives when he's here. From what we watch on TV, to what movies we see, to what we eat... He gets angry if the decision was not his and if it's anything I choose he is flat out uncooperative.

Am I being unreasonable?


BaseballMom42's picture

I completely understand! I am going through the EXACT same thing at my house with SS15. I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. I think you should buy what you always buy, and he will just have to find something to eat.

I noticed I was buying more junk now, since SS15 is here to please him, but I decided this is going to end, I am stocking up on fruits and veggies and if SS15 doesn't like it, too bad. He won't eat ANY fruits or veggies at all. I bought a family pack of chicken nuggets for SS15 and the package was gone in a day. Then last week I was at BJs and there was a huge thing of 48 poptarts on sale so I decided to buy it. DS10 likes them once in a while, but DS10 also eats VERY healthy, he loves fruits and veggies. Anyway the package of poptarts was in the house a day and a half when I looked at the package and 22 of 48 poptars were gone!!!! My son had 2 and DH had 2 so SS15 ate 18 poptars in a day and half!!!! So, I took the rest of the package and put in the trunk of my car....after that I am done with buying ANY junk food.

starfish's picture

i disagree:

"I think it's fair to make some reasonable accomodations for him but I don't think he should be pressuring us to the point that we change the way we live our life while he's here."

your house, your rules. if he doesn't like it, TUFF TITTY. i think it is very nice of you to make the accomodations that you do for him, but his utter lack of appreciation and respect for your life style would cut that off ASAP.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

I totally understand how you feel. I am always having to buy CERTAIN brands of things because otherwise SSs will not eat. They are so entitled they think we should buy them whatever they want. And if I do buy the junk food they want, they eat it so fast I can't keep it in the house and then they are complaining that there is nothing good to eat. How often do you have him? It's like we are in between a rock and a hard place - you don't want the kid not to want to come over - but at the same time you want to have rules and not have it be so disruptive - no real good advice here - just wanted to say that I can relate.

BaseballMom42's picture

That is a great idea. I try and do that when I can, I say if they don't like what I made, I am not a short order cook, so the only other choices are a bowl of cereal (no sugary cereals either)or a turkey sandwich, that they have to make themselves.

BaseballMom42's picture


lily11's picture

lol Baseballmom, DH bought a big package of poptarts at Sam's when ss16 first got here. DH thought they would last a month and they were gone in about 5 days. He was eating 3 packages or more of poptarts a day in addition to everything else. We stocked our entire pantry, freezer and fridge the first week he came and he it looked bare within just days.

It's not just the health issue, it's also a money issue. It's expensive to buy all this junk. He's eating above and beyond what he needs to be eating so it's just money we are spending for him to pig out.

He is so resentful of me that I just feel vibes of hate coming off him when he's around me. I don't know how else to put it. I literally feel the hate coming from him. I've always been very nice and considerate to this kid. I'm not perfect but I can honestly say I've made a conistent and sincere effort to do the right thing by him. I wouldn't feel right about letting him just eat garbage and DH doesn't want that either. I just wish I didn't have to be the food police and keep reminding DH to keep our boundaries in place.

I am working HARD on the boundaries. I am working SO HARD to keep those boundaries with this kid and to detach when he's making me angry so that I can appropriately manage my anger. I really appreciate that I have this place to vent all this frustration.

lily11's picture


ss16 pressures me by getting a really angry, ugly attitude at dinner time. He will make a face and eat a few bites and then throw the rest away in disgust. He's hateful and makes our evening as rotten as he can.

It's the same thing if we sit to watch TV or go to a movie that wasn't what he chose. He is downright nasty. He will even get up in disgust and just go to his room when he doesn't get to watch what he wants.

I try to escape to my room to get away from all the tension but DH says, no, I can't back down to him. DH says we are going to enjoy our dinner or TV show or movie or whatever and ss16 is not going to drive me away or ruin our evening. DH is good about that part. BUT, he does gradually break down and buy more and more junk food and that's the part that gets me all fired up!

DH is doing really well about handling ss16's nasty attitude without letting it ruin our day. For example, the other day we went to eat at a restaurant I chose and ss16 was furious. He can't stand to go anywhere or do anything that I chose. He made a nasty comment about the restaurant I picked and asked DH in a sneery tone if it was expensive. DH calmly said "why do you ask, are you paying?" and that was the end of that.

I'm proud of us, DH and I are doing much, much better. The last two summers we were practically on the verge of divorce over all this. ss16 acts really hateful and seems to try and create as much trouble as he possibly can. We have had a few rough patches but I'm standing my ground firmly and DH is respecting it.

lily11's picture

Geraldine- I don't really cook much either. DH grills and does the majority of the food prep. I make some sides. I don't force the veggies and fruits, I just make them available. DH and I eat them. We offer them to ss16 and then ignore the fact that he's loaded his plate with as much rice as it can hold and is having a horrible attitude about the food DH prepared for him.

WTHDISUF's picture

I understand where you're coming from. You will have to make some small adjustments when Skid comes because that's just the nature of things. But you should not have to disrupt the entire household, turning major components, like eating habits, topsy turvy just because SS is there. Yes Kids like junk and some is okay in moderation but it sounds like he's nothing but Junk and the consequences are already there-overweight.

I have similar issue with SS8. He's 20pds overweight for his height. He'll eat an entire medium pizza by himself, always wants 2-3 servings at dinner, eats adult meals--never kid meals when we go out to eat. He drinks full sugar fruit juice by the 64oz every 2-3 days. He bites his tongue and fingers often when eating b/c he shoves food in his mouth so fast. He breathes loud, gulps, swallows hardly chewing. He'll have crumbs everywhere, under his eyes, everywhere like a toddler. It's disgusting. Who allows this--DH. SS8 is embarrassed to take his shirt off at the beach because of his stomach. His upper thighs rub together. He has asthma. But neither DH or BM really address it from an overall perspective. They acknowledge it should change but when he's here, DH fights any attempts to do so!

BM tells us to watch his portions, give him vegetables, etc. She doesn't do that but tell us to. So when he's here, I try to bake meats (he doesn't like it). DH and I don't have weight issues as we're active so we do eat some junk but we burn it off. And normally I would fry foods but when SS8 is here, I bake instead. I make sure there's a balance of a grain starch and a green vegetable on his plate. I limit breads. I always have plenty of fruit in house. We may go out to eat once or twice but I encourage Dh to order off kids menu--he won't. SS8 usually eats more than us and plus off of DH plate.

On his BM side of the family, they are big and unhealthy. BM's two brothers are obese and 1 had heart attack at just 40yrs old. They have heart issues, blood pressure issues, breathing issues. BM had a lapband and lost 75pds but she's still at least 200pds & starting to gain back. We don't know what's on his Bio-Dad's side from health stance as we don't know who Bio-Dad is. So this kid has some odds against him as it is and any effort from me to work around it, to feed him like a child is pushed aside. I will stand back and watch this fiasco unfold--tired of fighting it.

Annanymous's picture

I was, and am still to this day, a very picky eater. I was given a bowl of chocolate icecream for dinner if I did not eat the dinner on the plate, seriously. I never ate vegetables. Even as an adult, nope. In my early 30s, I started trying. I ate a couple salads and raw carrots. I cannot do potatoes, green beans, or any bean actually, or anything. I can tolerate corn and rarely would tolerate a few peas. FINALLY, at 36, because my first pregnancy, I am able to make myself tolerate it to eat servings of peas, corn, and even cooked carrots if they are chopped up small into the peas (gag on cooked carrots because of the texture by themselves; throw up beans; gag on potatoes from texture). I drink V8 fusion and take vitamins. I would love to be a skinny, special healthy exercise eater, but I am not. All I can do is try my best now.

My point is, at 16, he is the way he is from his home. It is probably infuriating to him, like it was for me, spending the night/weekend at a friend's house that ate "healthy" and they looked down their noses at me (I felt like). I never wanted to go back. They said "eat what we eat or don't" and "gosh you eat fat" and "eat a lot".. and all that stuff said above about "bad diet" and "eat too much", but you cannot just change overnight to someone else's eating habits in a night or a week and that can spill out to resentment and that power struggle.

Yes you have the right to cook only what you want, yes it is your house, but if this was someone other than SS and you were not looking at "my power my house", would it be the same?

Not trying to knock your rights or your perspective, but I know what it is like being that kid, and really it sucks. Being told you eat wrong, you cost too much to feed, you eat too much. Really, why wouldn't they be loathsome towards the person that is putting them down? I know I was really resentful of the woman that was like that to me. YES, I wanted to change, but being raised in the hotdogs and milkshakes, it is not possible (for me at least) to change to eating bruslesprouts at that point just because the people that own the house I am forced to stay at eats that stuff - even if I do get to eat "normal-to-me" a few days of the week.

I hope that can help at least maybe where you can see a little from his point of view, and maybe if you reach out to understand more, he will be less defensive (which comes out as hateful, not wanting to do things with you all like movies, because perhaps he feels like you are the one pushing for control and power over him, when he is visiting there and is 16, not 6).

Again, I am just trying to show you the other side, which I did experience, to help. There is no reason for such a power struggle. Cook your dinners like you always do and give the teenager the encouragement to try it, but the option to be able to eat something he considers "normal" if he can't stand it. And yes, after a couple days at the woman's house, where all I had to eat was a dinner roll at the meals because I couldn't do baked beans, potatoes, brusslesprouts, whatever other bean, I was pretty hateful and pissy and hungry, and I did eat what I could (three things of poptarts, because I was hungry and my body did not recognize two servings of corn and a roll as sufficient). So that is really the big problem; that power over what he is going to eat there. Let it go. Try coming at it from a positive angle instead of a force/power angle. Offer him to try it, encourage him, when you all exercise, happily invite him along positively rather than 'you said you wanted to lose weight', because that approach certainly did not work with me, it just made me feel worse about myself and more disdain for the woman doing/saying it.

I really bet you can dissolve this power struggle and could really be a positive role model for diet/exercise in his life.

lily11's picture

Thank Annanymous for pointing out his perspective. I do keep quiet and say nothing about exercise and diet to him but I'm sure I'm giving off different vibes than what I'm saying. I think I'm being neutral and just trying to maintain my household the way I want it. But just like I'm picking up on his vibes, he's picking up on mine.

I've had a hard time finding a compromise. What I usually do is buy him a certain amount of "junk" he likes but when it's gone in 1-2 days it's just not reasonable to go back to the store and keep buying more of it. The expense gets out of hand. Then DH starts eating it and starts complaining that he's gaining weight too. It's ridiculous.

Two summers ago ss16 lost a lot of weight when he stayed with us. DH wanted him to lose the weight and I was actually the one who asked DH to set the example and find fun things to do INSTEAD of preach at him. I really did advocate for my stepson and asked DH to avoid criticizing him but set an example and provide fun activities and healthier food options that he enjoys. My stepson was really pleased with himself by the summer when he realized how much weight he had lost.

The same thing happened last summer. When he went home, he even said he was not going to drink any soda anymore and he stuck with it. He was still eating pretty good when we saw him at Christmas.

I don't know what happened this summer. He has put so much pressure on DH to buy a lot of food that we never, ever eat and I don't think it's reasonable.

As I think through this, I wonder if it's totally a power issue and really has nothing to do with food? This is the first summer that DH and I have presented such a united front. We used to fight a LOT when my stepson was here. The tension used to be overwhelming for me. I used to spend most of the summer in my room or away from the house. I felt like this kid took over my house and I was miserable and angry the whole time. This year my marriage is much stronger and I haven't let ss16 treat me like a stranger who doesn't even belong in my own home. Maybe this is why the food issue flared up so bad this year? Is it push back because I've gained some ground and he's going to keep pushing as hard as he can?

My stepson is not a bad kid. I care about him and would like only the best for him. I just get so damned resentful when he pushes, pushes, pushes and I have to keep maintaining my ground.

Thanks again for the different perspectives. I need to consider all angles and not just my own.

hanneyh1's picture

I'm glad Anannymous gave a perspective from the other side. It's good to hear from another's perspective. But I also agree with NachoMom that he is 16 and can get a job to at least buy him the food he likes. Even if he is used to eating junk, it is still really expensive, especially if you do buy some and it is gone much faster than it should be. I also see from this post that he wasn't so combative before. It may very well be from your more united front with your DH, but that won't change. Just remind him of how well he was doing last summer and the summer before and help him to remember his own feelings that he had when he did lose weight. Instead of just letting go completely and instead of fighting over it, just help him to remember how he felt previously. Keep buying the foods you cook on a regular basis. I think it is also very generous of you to take him out once a week AND order a pizza. Honestly, I understand that he may have a hard time transitioning from one type of diet to another so quickly, so you may want to try to incorporate the pizza and dinner out into the earlier part of when he arrives so that the other meals of the day may help him to transition better into the diet you normally have at your house. If he didn't have a problem with it summers' before, there really shouldn't be such a fuss over it this time. I know it's frustrating and I know that it is really difficult, but don't let his behaviors stir you (at least to where he can see it, because even if he doesn't get his way, you not enjoying what you want to do is still him winning in his eyes). Just keep inviting him on walks and other exercises you do normally. If he doesn't want to go, don't push it. Keep making the dinners you usually make, and if he doesn't want to eat them or try them, don't push it. If you are already buying SOME junkfood for him to eat, tell him at the beginning of his stay that you have already bought as much as you are willing to buy and if he can't stretch it for his entire stay, then he can either go buy his own, or you don't want to hear the complaints.

lily11's picture

I agree that it's mostly resentment against me in general. I think he makes an issue out of anything he can. He just has a problem with me and it will never matter what I do. I think he feels that I have too much influence on DH because he misses their bachelor days when they didn't care what they ate and there wasn't as much of a routine. Life changed a lot after I came along, I'm sure it did.

I've always been nice to ss16. I try to be respectful of his feelings. I've never yelled at him or acted hateful in any way, never. I try to compliment him and help build his self esteem when I can - I tell him he is handsome, smart, funny just like his dad, etc. because I know he never hears that from his mom and he really looks up to his dad. I haven't been doing that lately because now I can barely stand to be in the same room with him. I feel kind of guilty but the tension is so uncomfortable and I just want to relax.

I think I'm doing the right things for the most part, at least my intentions are sincere. It seems like I'm doing what most of you are doing, offering healthy meals and trying to be reasonable. I guess if he's going to grow up and hold something against me, I'm not doing too terribly bad if the worst he can say is that I offered a lot of healthy food and kept junk food to a minimum. Well, I'm sure he could put a really evil step mother spin on that but I really do try to be considerate of his feelings.

ThatGirl's picture

It's the exact same thing here with SS14 in our home every other week. Over the last three years, here's where I stand:

I don't buy anything specifically for SS14, that's SO's job.
I don't cook when SS14 is in our home. If I do, I have to hide what I'm putting in the pot/pan.
My lunch items have to be things he won't eat, or hidden from him.

borrowedtime83's picture

I understand this, my SO and I get called "mean" because we don't freely give out candy, chips, sodas, cookies...etc to the kids. They get WHATEVER they want @ other parents house during the short time they are there.We have a couple things in the house that are "junky", but mostly out of sight. The sugar and crud seems to affect their behavior, so we try to keep it away. My daughter does not seem to much care, and on the rare occasion she asks for something I will let her have it, providing her behavior is in order. SD is showing signs of being a compulsive over-eater, and it's worrisome. She is 8 years old and a stick figure, but with her habits forming, it won't be for much longer. She eats twice the amount of food that I eat as a grown adult. She shoves food into her mouth and cleans her plate in minutes, with the anticipation of getting seconds or whatever is left after everyone else eats, and I have heard her romanticize how great it was when her grandma let her wash down a roll of Thin Mints with a huge root beer float (family weight problems, anyone?)It's got to be hard with a teenage kid, though,having the ability to get the junk food on his own, if he wants to, and I am guessing his other family does not value healthy eating. As far as for the sulky behavior and making everyone else miserable, that is a power/control thing, and you can't put up with it. If it's bad enough, start thinking in terms of "If this was a stranger I met on the street and they did/said/acted the way this kid is acting, what would I do?" Also, he is old enough to get a part-time job to support his junk food habit, you don't need to supply it for him.

lily11's picture

That's a very good point "If this was a stranger on the street and he/she acted the way this kid is acting what would I do?". I try to ignore his eye rolling and rudeness. I get tired of ignoring him and my anger just increases. Our marriage counselor said when he does these things I need to ask him if there is a problem he needs to discuss with me. I don't know why I ignore it. Last night he was acting rudely and I directly told ss16 and DH that I wasn't putting up with any rude behavior. ss16 did stop it from that point on. I just need to keep doing it. I am so ready for him to go home. DH will be depressed when he goes and I will be so relieved.