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SS16 and the drama

lintini's picture

This all started a few days before DD1's bday. Perfect right?

SS wanted to go to a thuggy concert at a rough place on DH's time. DH asked who was preforming, and SS16 lied about it.(Over the phone a few days before DD's party) DH was curious and looked it up on the website, and who was preforming was not who SS said. So DH confronted SS about it privately at DD's 1st bday party. (meddling MIL of course picked SS up to bring him over)

SS shut down, wouldn't talk. Started crying, and stayed in his bedroom. We of course have 40 people over, so great time DH to start WW3 with a moody, sulky teen.

DH was concerned a gang banger was preforming there and didn't want SS or his friends in danger, that's it. He hadn't even said NO yet or was going to say no.

So we don't see much of SS and when someone went to look for him, low and behold, SS is nowhere to be found. He took off.

DH can't get ahold of SS or BM, no one is picking up their phone or texting back. We don't even know if he was picked up or what. We live about an hour from BM, and she doesn't do any of the driving and has never been to our house so we were confused as to why she would pick him up. DH's mood is shot for the rest of DD's party. WOW.

To get to the point, DH calls BM like 7 times, SS picks up her phone wondering who it is...(used our house #) DH is livid, asks why he has his moms phone, why he can't get ahold of anyone....and so SS is down there deleting all the missed calls, voicemails and texts on BM's phone. (not that is matters, bM and DH don't communicate at all)

DH gets ahold of BM the next day, and her main concern is that can SS go to the concert or not. Sure BM sure, your only worry is being SS's best buddy and letting him go to a possible shooting gallery of these gang bangers. SS gets on the phone to DH, and long story short, says he doesn't want to come over to our house anymore, and other nasty things to DH.

DH is distraught. This lasts until SS's third visitation, and now the little charmer is back. But DH was a HUGE PAIN IN THE BUTT to deal with until SS came back. omg. Moody, irratable, just like SS.

And here we are. We survived his visit back, and it was like SKID DISNEYLAND at my house!

DH took him golfing, then out to dinner, out to dinner the next night, then MIL took him clothes shopping, and then to lunch, and then swimming!!! Ohhhh and we all are pretending like he didn't do anything!

Then let me back up, the day before he was going to get Prince SS16, I was out of town 2 hours away and DD1 got really really sick, so Monday morning I had to take her to the ER, well DH was going to pick up SS16 for the first time after not seeing him for a month and was so torn as to drive down at meet me at the ER or have to tell SS16 to wait to be picked up, his sister is really sick and I need help.

Well, I didn't want to get to the ER and have it be something stupid (although she was vomiting for 2 days and had a high fever for 3 days) and then deal with anymore fallout from SS16 so I told DH I could handle it, even though I slept for 2 hours max the last 2 days and told him I'd keep him posted and he could come down if I REALLY needed him. Like a boss. (first time mom, daughters first time being really sick, akkkkk!!) She's on antiobiotics and feeling much better after a week of them. Wooohoo. Still really sh!tty that DH had to even be put in that position where he didn't feel like he could come and help me without SS throwing a fit? I'm just not even surprised anymore by any of the crud that step life throws at me.

Since BM is now backing SS and his tantrums, DH's hands are tied. Now anytime SS doesn't like what is going on at DH's, well I guess he's just going to punish him and not come over.

Now yesterday (BMs time) SS actually text DH (which NEVER happens,ever) and asked to go hit golf balls. I don't know what to be more shocked about, that DH said no because I had a migraine and he was watching DD or that SS text DH to do something. Sure dad, come drive an hour to get me, then hit balls, then take me out to dinner, bring me back and drive an hour back. BTW, its like 106 outside so I couldn't come along with DD1 even if I wanted to. I totally went with them a few months ago, I'm tired of DH getting to do whatever he wants with SS and leaving me and DD behind.

So, I don't know...I've had to change a diaper and make breakfast in between typing and I have lost my flow of thought.

My thoughts on why SS is suddenly wanting contact with DH? Well, when SS came over, he saw that DH got a new truck, "freeing" up his 2 seater sports car that I checked with the insurance company to insure a 16 year old male, its 300+ $ a month. That's not happening. DH says he is selling it. But I bet he hangs on to it long enough to teach SS to drive stick.

I think SS is coming around just because he hopes to get that car. That is my thought.

I'm still pissed about what SS pulled at DD's party.

Forgot to add the cherry on top about the concert was on the news, there was a bomb threat and the concert was evacuated. Good job SS16 and BM!!!!!!


moeilijk's picture

I'd be more concerned about DH's crappy parenting and willingness to let you drift away, with BD, while he dances to SS's tune.

But that's my perspective.

And I'm glad BD is doing better. It's tough, getting used to loving someone that much, and not being able to make everything better for them.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh my Lort, this brings back terrible memories of skid crap. My skids (SD20 and SS18) used to pull the same crap. I remember one time we took them out to eat when BS was like 3 months old. BS behaved better than skids. SD was being a total reject and was giggling, acting like a fool, licking her steak like a dog. I was mortified. When we got home, I asked DH why he didn't say something and he said he didn't dare, because then he wouldn't see SD for months. WTF?

Then there was the time that SS called to ask DH for money. DH (and I) are all about EARNING money, not just having it handed to you. So he tells SS, sure I've got some weed-wacking and stuff that needs to be done, I'll pay you 10 bucks an hour. OMG, it was like torture to get the 16 year old to do ANYTHING!!! Mowing the garden, that generally takes me 20 minutes took him over an hour, and it was like that with everything. Not more than 5 freaking minutes after DH dropped him off at BM's, BM is texting DH telling him next time he needs shit done, he better hire a Mexican, that SS said he did "tons of work" and DH only paid him $50 and her usual litany of nonsense.

Then there was the time that BM called because she couldn't find SS14. Apparently he spent the night with his older brother (not DH's) and they went to some party and never came home. The plan had originally been that DH was going to pick SS up and take him to breakfast for his birthday, so instead DH had to drive around a city he was unfamiliar with trying to track SS down. 3 hours later, SS finally answered his cell phone and told DH where he was and DH picked him up. He took him out to breakfast, but said he'd be damned if he was going to hand him cash for his birthday. No more than 15 minutes after DH dropped SS off at BM's she was calling wondering why DH didn't give SS a gift and her biggest concern was when was SS going to get his gift? WTF? Your just turned FOURTEEN year old was at an underage drinking/pot party, never came home and had to be tracked down, and your biggest concern is a stupid birthday gift???? HE DOESN'T DESERVE ONE!

lintini's picture

Omg....yup! Dh couldn't get ahold of anyone for 3 hours either.

The entire thing disgusts me. Dh tried to issue hard labor before as punishment for SS spending 6k on BM's credit card on Xbox. It didn't last. SS needed to be babysat to dig holes.

I have a great mental image of SD acting like a dog at dinner. Hilarious now, but not at the time, lol.

WalkOnBy's picture

Ewwwww-it must be so yucky to see your husband turned into his son't bitch....I am so mad for you!!

lintini's picture

thanks.... yeah it's so maddening. He's just grasping at anything to keep SS in his life.

Personally, I had the best month ever besides DH acting like an emo fool. No messes, and I got to breast feed freely in my house. It was glorious.