Having a baby....again..PLEASE I NEED ADVICE OR COMFORT OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!
Alright, so, I doubt anyone remembers my old blog or profile, name: Lo, but I had to erase it to erase all of my blogs. I didn't feel they were appropriate anymore, especially considering my nosy inlaws and "friends." I am paranoid by nature anyway.
So...I have a 10 month old baby girl at home and a 7yr old full time SD. Just found out that we are expecting again. Joy. We did take measures to prevent this, and even took measures after the measures (Plan but yet, here I sit, nauseous and constipated and scared for my life.
1. We do not make very much money, we are both young and got a very late start as "responsible life." I am not currently insured. I was for the last pregnancy, thank god, but we decided to take me off of my husbands policy when the monthly cost jumped by a very large amount which we simply could not afford. I am sure that I can get on Medicaid or something for the pregnancy (we do not qualify for such things normally but I think that there is a program in my state for uninsured pregnant women whos family income is less than 54k.) I don't like that I have to have a baby on the tax payers dollar, it makes me feel like a loser.
2. What will we tell our families? I know they will be disappointed and unhappy. Not that my family showed much support for the first one, but I know that I will get into it with MIL over this.
3. How will SD take it? She has done wonderfully with one baby..but what about 2? Now there will be 2 babies that take away our attention. 2 babies that I will be focusing on and loving. TBH SD is the absolute very least of my concerns with this situation so I don't even know why I listed her.
4. I have a job interview within my company tomorrow for a great position which will include a small raise and benefits. I don't want to tell them that I am pregnant!!! I worked for this company last year when I had my baby and I worked until the bitter end and only took a month leave, so, I think it should be fine....????? I hate being that person.. :jawdrop:
5. We have a 3 bedroom house. DH and I, of course, have the largest room. SD has the second largest and the baby has a very tiny room. Will 2 babies have to share that tiny room? It would be wrong to move SD to the small room especially because she actually spends time in her room now and enjoys it. Also, she has far too many things for the small room. The only way I would be ok with switching would be if BM wins 5050 custody and SD simply isn't here half the time. Then I couldn't give 2 big ass fucks about it.
6. What about me!!! Is this going to destroy my soul!!??? Have any of you had back to back babies? What was it like? How did you handle it physically and mentally?
- LittlePanda's blog
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Haha, yeah I remember you
Haha, yeah I remember you too! I think we were in the same baby group too, on babycenter or whatever?? I remember girls there who got pregnant like...2 months after giving birth..can you imagine?! Oh man. You know, the truth is that I am ok and excited to have a baby, especially because the 2 bio's will be so close! I know that you understand because of the twins and my SD's age that they may love their sibling but they are wayyyy too far apart in age to really be "friends." Not until much later in life. I am still also horrified though..but more horrified about how it will all work out than anything else.
Child care will be the hard part...but it can be worked out. I also have a new second job of sorts helping my childcare person with some financial paperwork and whatnot which could turn into a lot of work and she has offered me cash or babysitting credit, so..that might be good. I wish my husband made enough that I didn't have to work full time.....:( But working is good for the soul..especially one as damaged as my own.
I have a two year old and
I have a two year old and expecting my second in July. We planned this one as I wanted to get it all out the way and I only wanted two kids so partner can have the snip after this one's born. The way I see it is I didn't want to go past the nappy and interrupted sleep stage and not want to go back. Also, I didn't want to get one kid sent off to school and then have to deal with another baby, this way they'll start school within a few years of each other and i can go back to work properly. Obviously, it's going to be hard but that's the way it is. You find things just tend to fall into place, if you dwell too much you'll end up only thinking of the negatives. For instance, with my first we only had a one bedroom flat and was worried about how we'd survive financially. It's all worked out though and now we have a 3 bedroom house. We have the big bedroom, Skids one room and my son had the other (we only have Skids weekends though and spend times during the week). I don't plan to move again so we'll have baby in our room for the first 6 months /year and then we'll move on with my son. The Skids are in their teens now so will only be a couple of years until they stop coming over to stay so baby can have that room then.
Of course, not everyone has the same mindset as me so I can understand why you'd be worried about it.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I agree, it is good to get it out of the way..and right now we have everything we need for another baby..and once they are both out of diapers I never have to look back! Thanks for the up beat way of thinking about it! Also, I hope that the 2 babies will be friends and entertain themselves together once they are of an age to do that.
((((hugs))))) i didn't have
((((hugs))))) i didn't have babies back to back, but my little princess DD1 1/2 was a shocking discovery!
Oh the feelings in the beginning.
I understand how you are feeling.
No insurance, knowing I would have to work at home, dreading telling people cause some might be mad or disappointed, me and fdh are not married (live in small town) people are gonna talk, i have to start over (other two are teens), last pregnancy was miserable, 3rd c-section possibly, no room in the house for a baby, etc....and so much more.
These were things I thought about constantly during the shock period. It seriously took me a couple months to get over being shocked.
*sigh* it was rough goin through all those feelings. In the end I had to say, "who doesn't love a baby?" The ones who don't love our baby because of their own stupid selfish judgemental reason can go suck it!
No insurance. Yup I didn't have it. Wasn't gonna get married just for it either. So yes people I sucked your tax dollars up for a spell to have my baby. She has insurance through her father now. Pregnancy was normal, few small bumps in the road but was fine. fdh was amazing. He didn't go through all this with his other kid so my pregnancy was a first for a lot of things. My side for telling people was my two kids. That was who I was worried about I thought for sure my BD would be pissed. I thought they would be so disappointed. They weren't. If they were they didn't show it, and if they were at one time when I started to show it changed everything.
People were supportive. At least to my face they were. Like I said when the idea warmed up to me I didn't care if they weren't.
It is what it is sometimes ya know?! DD sleep in our room still, I quit my job and started working at home which is starting to die also. Yes we struggle financially, but we have the basics!
The way I grew up at times we didn't have the basic's. It was not a pretty picture growing up. With my first marriage I got swept up into money and material. When I started thinking about divorce and all that I had two kids and a decent income, but I was scared. I wouldn't have this or that, my kids wouldn't have this or that, etc.....
One morning it hit me like a ton of bricks. What is the most important things? Food in our mouths, roof on our head, and clothes on our backs. I had to say, "hey, your kids will never go hungry, will never be homeless, and will never be naked." The rest doesn't matter. They had to share a bedroom for those first couple years post divorce. I felt bad, they complained sometimes, but at the time "it is what it is"
There really is truth to the saying of don't sweat the small stuff. Like the bedroom situation. Talk to the older generation, let them remind you of how their family of 7 plus lived in a 3 bedroom farm house. LOL
You can't change how your family accepts the news. BUT you CAN tell them to keep their negative comments to theirselves. They don't HAVE to ask the questions, of "well what about insurance? where will the baby sleep? you guys don't have a big enough house. blah blah blah." ALL of that is NONE of their business really.
You can politely tell them, "the things you keep asking and bringing up I understand. We are not blind to our situation. Some things we will deal with as they come, and some we are handling right now. What I need from you is just to be emotionally supportive of this rough time I am going through right now."
I know something are just easier said than done especially when emotions are so high right now. I hope that when the shock wears off you can put things into perspective and eventually enjoy your pregnancy. Best of wishes. and congrats.
Thank you for telling me
Thank you for telling me about your experience! and you are right when you say, "The ones who don't love our baby because of their own stupid selfish judgemental reason can go suck it!" Haha...you are so right! It's not their problem to worry about, its their blessing to be happy about it and if they don't feel that way they can kiss my butt. Still scared though..haha.
And you are right about the farmhouse comment too, with the older generation..lol. My dad had SEVEN siblings (thats 8 including him) and they had 2 rooms for the kids...girls room and boys room!
I would love to enjoy my pregnancy. Oh...I forgot to mention...my sister is due in early March with her first baby...I don't even want to tell anyone until she's had her time in the spotlight!
I even thought about deleting my FB and just not talking to anyone until after the baby comes and then I could be like.."oh, this is my new baby!" hahaha :/
The real problem will come with work and childcare. If we can figure that out, we will be just fine. Is it ok for me to accept a promotion without disclosing that I am pregnant?
personally, I waited until I
personally, I waited until I was done digesting the information before I told anyone. I had to wrap my mind around it first.
.."oh, this is my new baby!" hahaha :/ <<<<<< LOL I seriously thought about that too.
Still scared?!?!?! Yup, I think that is normal. This isn't your first rodeo, you know the changes and responsiblities that go with having a baby. AND you know the blessings too.
I'm terrible about concentrating on one thing at a time. But maybe if you can do that it will help. Get over your shock first, lol and then say...."okay what do I need to do to prepare for this baby?" Daycare. "okay, what are my options? What are NOT options?" Write them down if you need to.
I think it is nice of you to let your sister have her time in the light with the first baby thing.
Who knows, maybe sis could be a daycare option. I mean afterall, they have some changes that is gonna happen for them too. I dunno.
As far as work, I think it is acceptable at times. There are lots of women who don't know they are pregnant right away. I think for me, I would ask myself will this promotion harm my pregnancy? Could I still do this job being pregnant? What about when you take your leave for a spell?
You know what the job entails.
My first baby was a shock. I
My first baby was a shock. I was young, in college and I was not in a serious relationship with the guy. He was a good friend. One night. One time. We were even careful. My parents didn't know him. I was devastated. My parents were through the roof pissed off. We looked at all the options. Decided to keep the baby.
You know who you haven't disappointed? Your new baby! There's going to be another mouth to feed and another little ball of love in your home. And who cares if the kids have to share a room? That happens. Babies don't spend time in their rooms so take all the space you need. I had twins on my second fun pregnancy ride - also scary.
Just ignore what other people think. I spent most of the pregnancy crying and throwing up. I refused to tell anyone who the father was until the night he was born. His father and I ended up good friends and got married and had the twins eventually. No one remembers that I was a pregnant unmarried 19 year old mother. They see what I am now. I did have my first son with Medicaid, but now I pay a lot in taxes and I remember that once I needed help and I got it.
The minute I saw my first son - I didn't care what anyone thought or how we were going to make it work. I was going to give that child the best life possible. He's 8 now and pure joy.
First of all,
First of all, congratulations!!! Take it one day at a time and try not to overthink things. It is what it is. It is great to have your kids close together, and if sd gets along great with the baby now, she will welcome the 2nd. Times are rough now for everyone, harder now then when I had children (my youngest is 24).
The state insurance is there to help you, it's what it is for. It does not mean that you will be living off the government for your entire lifetime. You take advantage of what is available for your children. This does not make you a loser, not by any stretch. Your pregnancy will be covered, make an appointment today.
Tell your families you are expecting, you are happy about it, and committed to making it work. If they disagree with you or comment on your situation, do not engage. Simply say " I am sorry to hear you feel that way, perhaps in time you will change your mind." Your family is your spouse and your children and what works for you. Your parents and in laws are not necessarily entitled to their opinion on your life's decisions, or they are, but not free to comment on them in your presence.
As a mother and a mother in law myself, my children, my skids, and their spouses live their lives with limited input from myself and dh. We never give advice to them, and if we are asked it is on a very limited basis. I let them know that we stand behind whatever they decide for their families.
Good luck!!!!
My sister and I were born 12
My sister and I were born 12 months apart. My sister wasn't planned either, but like everyone else said, it was so much easier. I was potty trained a little later, she was potty trained a little earlier, so all the milestones my parents needed to go through were done together.
There's a book out there on how to deal with close aged siblings... urk... I know my mom read it but it's translated from english into chinese so I am unsure of the title.
Ok. My youngest was a
Ok. My youngest was a surprise. I found out I was pregnant with her on my oldest daughters first birthday. My ex was less than excited and our marriage fell apart from what seemed to be the moment I told him. We eventually split when youngest was 1 year old. Now youngest is daddy's little girl. They are inseparable.
My point? Things have a way of working themselves out when it comes to adding a new child to a family. It may not be what we want or how we expected it to happen, but it works.
Hang in there Panda, it's going to be ok. Good luck with your interview.
I know you feel overwhelmed
I know you feel overwhelmed right now, but it will all work out!
Three years ago, I was in your shoes, with only a few differences. DH & I had decided that we were done having kids after BS, now 6, was born. After all, we had FIVE kids between us at that point. Imagine my shock when I started feeling ill at work one day. I chalked it up to just being a stomach flu until a co-worker teased me about being pregnant. My heart jumped into my throat and I ended up leaving early. I stopped at Target, got a test, and took it in the store restroom. Two pink lines, plain as day. I sat in my car & sobbed before heading home. You see, I was working full-time, responsible for covering ALL of the bills, and could barely even do that. DH had been searching for a job for over a year but hadn't found anything. He was about $10K behind on CS. The 3 skids were PAS'd out of their minds and hadn't seen or spoken to DH in 6+ months at that time. We lived in a 2 bedroom house with my DD, BS, my mom, and my little brother. "How are we going to afford another baby?! Where are we going to put it?! How will the skids react to the news?!" We weren't speaking to DH's family, so that wasn't a worry of mine. All I could do was cry. When I told DH, all he could do was laugh. I was shocked. "Why are you laughing?!" His answer? "What else am I supposed to do? Getting upset isn't going to change anything. We're having another baby. It's going to be ok." And you know what? He was right.
DH found a job that he loved and that pays well enough that I can be a stay at home mom. I started a small online business that I run from home to help ease the financial burden on him. He's nearly caught up on his CS. The baby news actually brought the skids back around, and even helped build a decent relationship with BM. (which has since tanked, but that's another story.) We moved into a larger home. No, it isn't nearly large enough for everyone to have their own rooms, but it's much better than the 2 bedroom! Everything that I initially panicked about has found a way to correct itself. I did, however, order the baby factory be condemned via tubal ligation during my c-section. LOL.
No matter how tough or scary it may seem right now, it will all be ok! You're having a baby! A sweet, snuggly little bundle of love and joy. Congratulations!
Thank you for telling me
Thank you for telling me about your experience. It made me feel a lot better. Both of us work full time to support the household..and it will be rough for a while when I can't work full time (on my feet) or when I take leave..oh man, that will be so scary, but your story encouraged me! Thanks!
I was scared too! I found
I was scared too! I found that it helped tremendously to start very, very early with buying the baby basics like diapers & wipes. Each paycheck I would buy at the very least a small package of diapers in size 1 or 2, and/or a box of wipes. We were set for MONTHS after BS2 was born and it really helped us by not having to worry about scraping up cash for those items while I was on leave. Sign up for every baby thing you can think of to get coupons, free formula samples if you choose to bottle feed, etc. Those coupons really came in handy! I'm not sure if Target still does it, but when I was prego with BS2, they gave me a $25 gift card for having a registry there. Its worth asking about!
Thanks to everyone that
Thanks to everyone that posted. I seriously appreciate every reply and they have all helped me to feel a LOT better about he whole experience. I am glad that I posted.