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O/T Anybody have the Essure procedure for permanent birth control?

Living the dream's picture

It is the relatively new, non-surgical alternative to tubal ligation in which the tubes are blocked with a small insert that is placed in each tube. It's done in your doctor's office.

I think I'm too old (43) to bother with it now, since I'm already very near the end of my child-bearing years. My ParaGard IUD causes incredible menstrual cramps, though, and I'm sure not interested in risking a pregnancy on top of the skids.

Anybody have this done, or know someone who did?


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I know I want it but I have to pay my $600 deductible and my portion would be $600

Red_panda7's picture

My mother's best friend did, she had to have it reversed it caused VERY heavy bleeding for her because it put too much pressure on her uteran wall from the tubes trying to dislodge it. Cramps pain and general discomfort. When she got it removed they said she might be sterile. Not so bad for her 46 now but that was two years ago, maybe they've improved.