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I am so tired of all the drama

lostmymind26's picture

I can't do this anymore. I sit here day in and day out taking care of my stepkids for the last 3 years. Well bm got into sec8 and lied saying the boys live with her full time. Dh and I found out and when to sec8 and showed them CO and kids school papers to show they life with us. Now after 3 years of Bm partying and doing whatever the hell she wants she wants the boys back full time.. BM only takes them a few times a years. why the heck does she think she can handle them full time.
during the time that we have had them bm bm mom dad step dad all have called over this time yelling and putting me down. And I am sick of it. if I know its one of them calling I will not answer the phone but they change their numbers like people change their underwear so I don't always know.
today BM DAD called saying it CO that bm gets them at 5 (its a lie). I tell Bm's dad that I will give my dh the message and dh will call you when he gets here. Bm's dad then starts yelling at me and telling me I better give him the boys ect. I hang up.
It the straw that broke the camel back I just start crying because I am sick of these people treating me like shit when all I did was be there for these kids while there MOTHER gets fucks up every guy in the bar.
Bm and dh had a hearing yesterday and all she can do is talk about me. mind you ALL LIES
* I made her lose her last housing place. (no its because of all the partys you had there)
* I hit her kids ( I never hit ANY kid)
* I drive crazy
* I am the reason why dh filed for CS ( that she never pays)
* I left DH and kids and moved to Texas. ( never even been there)
the list goes on and on but I am just so tired of being lied about- yelled at- and be little by this woman and her family.
If I leave dh I would never have to deal with or see this woman again. and I am honestly thinking this is my only shot at happiness
for me...