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I cant stand it no more

lostmymind26's picture

So ss's when to BM last weekend. we thought they were going with grandpa but that was a lie. so they get back and ss7 is being a little shit to me. now this is the first time they have seen bm all year. Finally I get pissed at the way ss7 is treating me and ask him whats going on. ss7 says he is scared of me. umm ok why because I look at him! no joke so right away I knew this Was bm doing so I just let it go.
well last night I get a phone call from my sil to give me a heads up that she ran into bm and bm is sitting there running her mouth saying how she is going to bring her "homegirl" to my house and jump me.
Now I am pissed I sit the boys down with DH and ask whats going on. all I do is sit here and try my best to raise them since bm left them over 2 year ago. after SS9 tells me how bm keep asking about me how is she? is she nice? blah blah at first ss's said yes then BM got mad at them "dont f***ing lie to me tell me the truth. f*** tha b****" and so on so ss7 wanted to made his mom happy and started lieing. saying stuff about me
them BM even told ss's she gonna "jump" me. so when I tryed to talk to dh about it he shuts me down. " i dont wanna talk about it"
I am so mad I am shaking I dont know what to do


Willow2010's picture

I tryed to talk to dh about it he shuts me down. " i dont wanna talk about it"
Isn't this the same asshole that got mad and trashed your house because you would not do something for his kid?

If so...BM is the least of your problems girl.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Oh see, if she threatened that she was bringing her "homegirl" to come get me Id be calling her and asking her when she is coming and then Id let the cops know ....see im all about calling people out!

kathc's picture

WTF, go to the courthouse and get an RO to keep her away from you, your house and everyone who lives with you. Then take that to court and get your DH SOLE custody of those kids with only supervised visitation.

And if she so much as calls you, drives past your house, goes near where you work...have her ass thrown in jail!