Feel like I'm in the DARK
I feel as though my husband leaves me in the dark about things and I catch him in little lies more than I would like. Stupid lies too, like saw that he was putting clothes in his car..but he said he was checking the mail. He borrows his parents to truck to drive because his car is not functioning but told me the truck was his and they borrow it from him. The day after we got married I figured it out that it was the other way around. He got a DUI in 05 and cant get a decent job because of it but didn't really let me know the severity of the problems with the job search til after we were married. When in everyday conversation with friends, sometimes they say something that I should know..and I don't because he never told me and it makes me feel stupid. These are just a few examples and I'm just tired of feeling like he's hiding something. Goes outside the condo to talk on the phone sometimes too. Just unsettling. I know he is not cheating on me...we have a beautiful 7wk old daughter and he is amazing with her; but marriage is a partnership and I don't feel like we're partners right now. We're suppose to be able to talk about anything and everything....I have to tell him I feel this way..but am I being ridiculous? I don't feel like I am but I need advice!
- Louise's blog
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Womens intuition...
Outside of a mental disorder...I think a womens intuition is right 99.9% of the time. Trust your instincts...they were God-given and you were born with them!
If you cant talk to him about it, I would keep my eyes open and check up on him once in a while. Dont think you are crazy...
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
join the club
My Dh never tells me anything either. I used to tell him every little detail but then I realized he didn't provide the same courtesy and I stopped keeping him informed. My DH has gigantic balls of steel though because he actually gets offended when I don't tell him things anymore even though he still keeps things from me. It's amazing how the male brain functions isn't it?
The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957
Well you know what they say,
Well you know what they say, "where's there is smoke, there's usually a fire". So yeah, I think you should definitely bring these concerns up to him. This "fire" may just be a little flame and not some blazing inferno. So it's best to put it out before it spreads and becomes something that you can't control.
oh mannnnnnnnnnn
my dh cant do a thing with out me knowing? I would freak out if he did this to me! we have two bathrooms and only one does he use to go number two (sorry tmi), which is the only time he closes the door. if he goes in the other one and closes the door i always jokingly ask what hes doing in there! we laugh about it, and joke that im so nosy about everything he does...but thats just me, i trust him 110%