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Dark Clouds on the Horizon

lovedbyone72's picture

My peaceful, drama free two weeks is coming to an end. Just a few more days until sk comes back for the longest two weeks of my life. How can a child create such feelings in me? Honestly, she isn't too difficult or demanding. She rarely misbehaves (when she is alone with us). She just brings out these feelings of dread. She is so boring. For a seemingly intelligent kid, she asks the absolute dumbest questions. She states the obvious just to make herself seem important. Yet, just sits around like a robot looking for someone to entertain her. I know that each child is different, and they all have their own little personalities and quirks, but damn...I swear this is a robot child when alone and a complete brat when playing with others. There really is no happy medium! I have two bios that are around the same age as her, and the difference between mine and his is like night and day. Funny thing is, he is a great, involved parent with mine, but even he knows his own kid is FUCKING STRANGE. He doesn't know how to engage with her but has a grand ole time with mine. I'd love to have a SK who could be fun, entertaining, playful, cuddly, ANYTHING, but robotchild just can't be that way.

Side note to all of this venting: a few weeks ago, we had a friend come home for the first time since moving to another state. He mentioned how hard it was to be so far away from family and friends, and the SD claimed that she wanted to move with her BM, and that she'd have no troubles living so far away from everyone. She went on and on, and on, and my SO blew his top! I told SK..fine, go..SEE YA! and the little shit replied "BYE!!!" Fine by me..go! Less stress, less drama, less of freaking EVERYTHING including dealing with the BM! And my darling SO is honestly worn down from all of the court battles and the bitching, that he said he is sick of fighting. I told him, well if that's where SD wants to be, just let her. I disengaged forever ago so I have no issue letting the little shit live with the BM. In conversation, he agreed, but we shall see how that goes.

Ok..time to try to NOT think about what is to come in the next few days, and try to enjoy what freedom I have left. Just needed to bitch a little.