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told dh all this drama is not worth it over SS

LuciGirl's picture

In response to my other blog entry, I told DH that all this drama in not worth it over getting SS for the holidays or any time at all. DH is upset as he has lost some much time with SS but I can help but feel we shouldn't even bother anymore. SS doesn't like anything we do and BM tells him how to act afraid in front of people.

we all know this drama will never stop, BM needs drama like we need oxygen.

little vent over.



Maxwell09's picture

The best way to deal with a narcissist is to NOT deal with them at all. She will probably stir up more trouble to get y'all to re-engage but as long as you guys consistently ignore her, she will go her own way. Make sure your DH realizes she won't change, she will only use SS to bait him back in with little visitation handouts. He should ignore anything short of her dropping the kid off on your front doorstep and leaving. And only then should try to spend time with his son.