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Getting the Restraining Order

Madness's picture

Hello fellow parents and step parents. I am dealing with the wicked witch of the west wing of the psychiatric ward. It started December of 2006 and has gotten extremely WORSE in the past few months. She is trying to drive me insane, away, to hurt her, behind bars, under ground.....I'm not quite sure. I am a very strong willed and smart woman. She, ehh - - could use help in every category. She's like a BIG GIANT PIMPLE that you want to POP, but just don't want the mess. (I only use that verbiage, because that's what she has all over her choice. (Soap Helps, ya know)

We recently went through a custody battle and she lied lied lied under oath; and of course lost - even with her lies. She has never had full custody and lost her joint custody in 2005 when she "couldn't take it anymore" - per her words. Some winners these parents seem to be. Moving has been blick since the get go - but if I can handle my ex...I can handle his.

So, she is pissed off big time. In addition to losing the recent custody case where she tried to modify custody/child support................she has to pay even more money per month than originally. Oh, and is 28 and has never ever held a job for more than 6 weeks, She refuses to work. She is remarried and has a 1 year old ( I feel bad for new baby and husband)She is horrible to them both; and everyone. So - - She has been evicted from where she's lived for the 4th time now since she has been with her new hubby (who HAD a nice car, good credit, and happiness). Now living with her parents in a tiny 2 bedroom home, whom she accused in 2005 of child molestation of her oldest child and had a one year family violence protective order against.

Needless to say she is miserable as usual and wants to blame it and/or take it out on others. That's where I come into play. I've blocked her from texting me back in April of this year - 2010. I've asked her to leave me and my family out of the misery she creates. Also - - not to contact me anymore. I've sent a total of 3 emails to her in the past 4 years....all stating that she should take pride in her children and pay child support and not lie to them and this that, etc. No name calling, nothing. Well, my 9 year old is terrified of her and has every right to be. Told me she never knew the meaning of evil until she met the ex-wife. WOW! So, one morning hubby was taking kids to school and dropping 5 year old at Pre-K. There was a conference that day and the ex-wife had taken the reminder that was for my husband and did not let him know and went herself. Well, our 5 year old had been tardy a minute or three a few times and she was livid. She had been waiting in the parking lot angrily for 17 minutes for him, after the early morning conference. He pulls up, she approaches the car and show her ass, yet again. So, that night I said - that was it.

I sent her an email:
(Her name here)

You are an ignorant, irritating, ugly, bitch of a person to and around many people - including (child Dirol and (child 5), unfortunately I have no control over that. However...I do have MUCH CONTROL over how you behave in front of (child 9) and (child 2). If you ever speak the way you did this morning in front of (child 9) or even (child2) - I will most definitely take full force action.

I hope you have enough common sense to understand and practice that from now on.

(my name here)

Needless to say because she is crazy and a trouble maker, she filed a TPO on me the next morning. The following week, my attorney, husband and I went and it was dismissed. She is the "ex-spouse" and I am married to her "ex-husband" and raise her kids; and there will be ugly words and disagreements; but no need for a TPO.

Whew......for then.

Now, she has called the police today and made up this fabricated story that I tried to run her fat ass over. So, eventually the cops(she likes to call them and be arrested by them as well) came to our home. We told our story - - blah blah - it's a wash and there was a police report made "by her". Next, we'll see if she goes for another TPO against me.

She lives in another county and I am seriously thinking about what actions I need or should do against her to protect myself and my family.

Any words of comment, encouragement, or empty space is welcomed. I look forward to seeing what you all have to say.



violetforest's picture

Beware, dont know where you live but it does not take much to get a restraining order. Do not go without an attorney. I have seen RO interfere with employment, custody cases beyond that of step children the biological children. Do everything in your power to stop this now, dont believe it is not a big deal. Good Luck.

herewegoagain's picture

Don't write or talk to her at all! If she makes a scene or dome crazy thing in front of your bio-kids, go to the police...

Lovepets's picture

Wow, I am sorry. Document everything, it sounds like you have a good legal team. Smile I hope this works out for you!