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SO frustrating

MamaB's picture

My oh my SD9 is really grinding my gears this past month... just 1 thing after the other. To make matters worse parents are supposed to be backing each other and not letting the kids play us against each other... in this house Grandma and Grandpa are raising the kids too. One minute I'm being told that I need to be her parent and then anything I say get's trampled all over this kid is going to be a nightmare when she is a teenager never mind all the emotional trauma she has been through... If you don't discipline the kid and let her walk ALL OVER you NEWSFLASH it's not going to make anything better. I'm starting to regret becoming a part of this family in total we have 4 kids and 1 on the way due in December. I have my Boys 3 and 5 and My husband has his adopted kids 9 and 13. I'm so pissed everyone keeps telling me to step up and when I do I get shit on or undermined which is complete BS in my opinion the kid is messed and is messing up my boys in the process I don't want them to grow up to be violent disrespectful brats and that is EXACTLY what is going to happen if this shit keeps going down. For example SD9 had a pretty rough day behavior wise but what really set me off this time anyways was she came home LATE knowing she was late playing stupid like she didn't know what time she was supposed to be back, she had to be tracked down and when she got home and got grounded from that friend for a week because she had done 3 things that she knew she was not supposed to do with this friend. She throws a huge tantrum slams her door does not come out she gets told it's dinner time and ignores everyone fine whatever let her cool down but if she doesn't come out on her own before dinner is done she doesn't eat... her choice. Hubby and I are discussing this arguing over it as to what we do so grandpa goes and gets her and says come eat. She does but still I'm so fucking choked because I keep being told to step in be the parent and then when I do anything I say or consequences I put up are " too hard on her" or completely ignored I'm sorry but fuck that!


newbiemommy's picture

I could have written this! My SD10 has been a nightmare. Then the whole step up shit only seems to apply to cleaning up after them, take all their bs, paying for shit, taking care of them. Heaven forbid we ever give them so much as a sideways look. I am honestly thinking of moving out. If this is how she is in grade school, of can't wait for highschool. Fk this noise!

B22S22's picture

As I quoted to someone once, this is what I think is some people's idea of the IDEAL stepparent:

Open your heart
Your home
Your wallet
But keep your freaking mouth SHUT.

(trust me, I dont' subscribe to this)