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Our families are meeting each other later today...

Manda's picture

So FH and I are having a cook out later today with both our families so they can all meet each other. I'm really stressing right now and truth be told have been for the past couple of days. I've been preparing for this party for the past, shopping, etc. We're expecting about 40-45 people...and yes this is just immediate family...LOL...parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles and one cousin. I've been preparing food all day today and night...actually just laid down in bed not too long ago. I still have a lot to do tomorrow and it's going to be all on my shoulders because FH has to work...which I guess is a blessing in disguise so he won't be in my hair...I can blast my music and get the last minute touches taken care of without interruption. I'm just hoping and wishing that everything goes well... See I come from a divorced family and my mom and dad and step-mom and step-dad and both sets of grandparents are all going to be together... They all get along and have no animosity or anything but this will be the first time they are all seeing each other since my 8th grade graduation and I'm 30 now. Everyone seems to be really happy and excited to catch up and see each other which has made my stress level a lot less...I just hope my blended family gets along with FH's family too. I'm sure it will all work out...I'm probably stressing about nothing. So has anyone else been in a similar boat with families meeting and do you have any advice? the way...I'm making a turkey too which will only be my third time doing so, so I hope it turns out pressure, right?!?!? LOL


Manda's picture

My parents, both mom dad, step-mom, bro's, sisters, aunts, his parents, siblings and aunts showed up.....I was so excited... My dear of a mother helped SOOO much...I don't know what I'd do without her! The turkey turned out GREAT which was to my surprise! I've only made it 3 times total and even SD complimented it...which is a huge compliment! Our families didn't really "mingle" but all had a great time so I'm happy with that!