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To make one see

Maureen Gunderson's picture

Recently after our debacles i not knowing if our marriage was headed for divorce called my mil and fil, just wanted easy talk about a new car they bought. However it led to them saying their son is being manipulated by his daughter and that they felt for me and our other kids. What i did not know is that SD had cried( her usual) and asked grandparents for 1700 for a new computer she needed for school. I hates to break it to them but the school gives the students computers and wished they would have spoken to me. Then my Mil an Fil went on to say she then since has only been disrespectful. My mil loved this child too much a favorite, but now that same child is using her and she is seeing it. It was actually nice to have them acknowledge what is going on and that it is unrealistic. Tonight was our blood sons first school dance. His father didn't make it home to see him and when him and his ikder brother ( who because he is well his older brother he looks up too) said he would drive him there and pick him up. Then they stopped by the house inwent out front to wait, said hi, and theybwere off again for adventure. I asked my husband why he didnt even come out. I didn't know. But i told you?  Ehen they left i pretty much told my husband that i do love, that his favoritism and lack of concern is turning his other kids against him, they are losing respect. I said i try when they say things to act like - no respect your father- however after what they have heard his daughter say to me and him supporting her they look at me as an abused person.  I told him, it is wrong to favor one child over all others, but in the end he will sleep in his own bed. I asked if that is what he wants? As he has paid off her speeding ticket, fixed her car from an accident, paid her school, soccer( uet not ever for the boys) they see it and i said i no longer will try to stand in the middle so much as you do not hold her accountable, now you can handle how your kids see you without me trying to convince them younare hurt, etc. Going hiking tomorrow woth a good friend. If he wants to ruin his relationship with his kids so be it. One for all or all for one.


tog redux's picture

If I'm reading this right, your bio kids with DH are getting old enough to see how he favors SD. That's very sad for them and sad for your DH too, that he can't find it in him to have a good relationship with the kids who actually want one, and instead spends his time chasing the one who doesn't.

There is nothing you can do, though, as you said - except support your kids and help them see that it's not their fault whatsoever.