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mavis1960's picture

SS16, who had been living w/his father and I since 2004, decided this past winter to go live w/biomom. Since moving there, he and his mom went halfsies on a car, so SS would have a vehicle to drive. Since getting this car, SS16 has had one major driving ticket that was given in a state other than our own (bottom line, the kid went on a joy ride); this state required that the kid appear in court. We only found out about the ticket AFTER we started getting letters from the other state regarding SS's appearance in court (Our address is on SS's license, because he was living with us when he first got his permit). When confronted with it, SS literally begged his father NOT to tell his mother, because, Dad, "You don't know what she's like, how she can turn on you." SS16 had to pay an attorney to represent him in court ($350.00), who successfully got the ticket knocked down to 5 MPH over the speed limit instead of 25 MPH, leaving SS with a fine of 140.00 or something like that. DH is allowing SS to pay us back incrementally.

Last week, SS16 was in a fender bender at school (he drives to the HS). Again, he doesn't call his mom, whose name is on the owners' card; he leaves a message on his dad's cellphone, then has the assistant principal call me. The kid whose car SS hit ends up calling my DH, threatening police intervention if he can't get this "resolved" by this week. Blah blah blah.

SS16 is supposed to be working with this other young man to get more than the one repair estimate that was obtained last week (for $1100.00). I'm waiting for the request to "loan" SS16 the cost of whatever the repair ends up being, so it doesn't have to be turned into the insurance (SS16 is covered under his mom's policy; her car, after all). All because SS16 is afraid of telling his mom, probably because she'd take the car away.

BM (who supposedly had "changed", who "really isn't that bad", who SS16 decided to live with because he didn't like our rules and didn't like that fact we would require better grades from him before he had access to a car) continues to be this person to be feared and "worked around". I just hope beyond hope that we aren't asked to front SS16 any money so he can continue to fake his mother out, for the sake of having a car.

Am I being a b*tch, or what?


semi's picture

It was his decision to be there, you are not at ALL a b**ch for expecting him to deal with the consequences not only for that decision but the consequences of being irresponsible with the car. Granted, things happen sometimes and one infraction you can let slide but with two issues - maybe he should have the car taken away! Especially since he left your house in attempt to flee the horror of rules and consequences for actions - you have every right/duty to have him deal with this. Hopefully your husband will see it the same way and tell him no... and make his son deal with his mother on the issue as well.