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It was over before it began...

mediocrityrulesman's picture

H and I have never been on any sort of vacation together so when we planned our weekend getaway with BD 1 and SD 7, we were so excited. We arranged to stay at a hotel at a nearby beach from Friday to Let me just start out by saying...we're no longer there. We had to leave last night.

We left Friday morning and arrived at the shore with just enough time to grab something to eat and then check in. SD 7 complained that she had to pee when we were only 10 minutes away from stopping, good timing right?.....not. While getting my daughter out of the car, SD says, "My pants are wet...???"...she had peed her pants. This is the second time I have know SD do this. Once while she was playing outside and then. I'm thinking she was so preoccupied with her Nintendo DS on the ride there that when she opened her mouth to say she had to pee, it was OBVIOUSLY too late. I have a really low tolerence for children who pee themselves when it comes to conveinience.

So that's why I say it was over before it began because that marked another day and a half of hell-ish behavior. To follow was my H and I repeating the same things to SD and her not following it. It has always been like this. We could tell SD not to do the simpliest thing like, sit still, and you can see the torture in her eyes because she absolutely cannot.
It didnt help that the hotel room was obnoxiously small (compared to our house of course) and we literally had no where to go while in the room. SD was always, no lie, no more than 6 inches away from me and H the whole time. Why? Because she wanted to be a part of our EVERY conversation. Not to be nosy, but to micro manage. Sounds silly, but I sh*t you not. SD is the most controlling 7 year old the world has ever seen. ANYTHING H and I said, she would want to hear and 'ok.' Every activity and decision was 'suggested' by her, it was HER getaway and no one elses. It was actually funny towards the end because SD was on the other side of H than me and she says, 'I'd like to go to the boardwalk.' We ALL wanted to go to the boardwalk, we said we were going there, but I guess since she heard another activitity we were planning (not necessarily for right then)she didnt think we had it under control, or planned for it, or forgot. H ignored her because she had been doing this all day Friday and up to that point Saturday. So I said to him, "H, that's not a suggestion. In case you havent caught on yet, she's TELLING you." There was actually a point when we were on our way out of the room and I asked H if he had the room key, he said yep, ok, done. SD.........ugh. SD then says, "Do you have it daddy? Where is it? Which pocket? .....Can I see it?"! We really arent that irresponsible...I swear! lol....But anyway, yea, her micro managing was horrible. But so was her ADHD. SD has yet to be on any sort of medication or even hollistic remedy for this because BM doesnt want it to be true. She has had all the signs since she was 5, maybe before and it is very hard to deal with ESPECIALLY when SD herself doesnt understand why she does the things she does. My brother has a form of Autism, pervasive behavior, and ADHD so I am used to being around the behavior, but I am telling you....SD is bad.
So needless to say, SD was so intolerable, we had to come home, hoping that the change in environment might have struck a nerve with her and thats why she was acting so outlandish.
When we returned to the room, before it was decided that we'd come home, I laid on the bed and cried my eyes out. I cried because I felt that I had put my own daughter through hell because she didnt have her own bed and couldnt sleep, I felt that I had failed because I couldnt tolerate SD's behavior, and I felt HORRIBLE because of the amount of times SD always gets told off and I KNOW she cant help it. It's not that she makes a point to do the bad things she does....she simply cannot help it...and it's stuck like this until BM comes to terms.

Horrible weekend. Well...2 days. Another vacation is not going to happen for a while now....

BM mentioned to me about getting SD a counselor this summer....we'll see if it actually happens. And hopfully they will agree that she has some soft of disorder and do something about it. The school has tried, I have tried, H has tried. Poor SD.........


Most Evil's picture

When you said she had an accident, I thought it may be because she was so excited to be there. Am I understanding you right, that this behavior is a sympton of ADHD? I need to read up on this . . .

I am sorry your vacation was ruined though. That is so unfair especially when times are hard like they are and it may be a while before you can go again. I will pray for you and SD that she can get the treatment she needs.

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

mediocrityrulesman's picture

The fact that everything else comes before a simple emergency like I believe. he has always been one to focus on 5 million things BUT what she is supposed to or what is common sence. I dont isnt any better either.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle

Sita Tara's picture

It's geared toward teens but I'm already using it on Anna.

"Stop Negotiating With Your Teen- Strategies for Parenting Your Angry, Manipulative, Moody, or Depressed Adolescent" by Janet Sasson Edgette

I think the examples are pertinent to kids of all ages, and I wish I would have read it BEFORE having teenagers so I could have put a halt to the patterns before they developed.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

mediocrityrulesman's picture

I could use any help I can absorb. Only thing is, any conditioning we do over the weekend is completely undone by BM. She 2 completely different people here and there. I just really need BM to work with me on this one. I've mentioned doing something about SDs behavior several times now and I hope once she's read the email I sent her about cutting our vaca short that she'll ask a little more about what happened and I can reiterate the severity of SDs attitude. Intentional or not.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle

Sita Tara's picture

Is affective, no matter what the other parent is doing (we have the same problem.) SD lives with us full time and goes to BM's EOW and Thur nights. This is enough for BM to contribute highly to SD's feelings of entitlement. BUT...I have seen how SD speaks differently to DH than she does to me (or BM I'm assuming after the brief conversations BM has had with DH about SD's rude attitude.)

The thing I am finding so helpful in this book, is how not to allow your kid to manipulate you into an argument of fairness. The author so far has only covered blended families once (I'm 2/3 through) but in an important one. "At mom's house I'm allowed NEVER makes me do...." etc and gives us language to come back to that in a way that cuts the argument off, rather than fuel it.

Highly recommend it!

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks