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mediocrityrulesman's Blog

I Need Your Help QUICK!

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This battle has been going on for quite sometime. Some of my past blogs talk about it as well. Last year BM starting giving Omegas (fish oil) to SD in hopes of stablizing her behavior...didnt work. Starting last summer she put her on Zyrtec for her allergies to pollen and senstivity to cats. This seemed to help with her allergy symptoms. Cooler weather came, SD was still given the zyrtec. It is now winter and SD has starting back on a 2.5mg dosage of zyrtec. Here's why.

Something pretty cool

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Yesterday was horrible. I had let myself slip so far behind in school and I was LOADED with assignments, so I started them early on in the day, took a break and came back to them later on. I was getting extremely frustrated (I still am) with Algebra. I wasn't understanding why I excelled at it in high school but not now, in college. amongst all the frustration of my homework, crying babies, and anxiety, I was dreading the next day (today).

If SD reaches out, I will sure as hell grab her hand

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Call me crazy. Last night I was sitting in our living room knitting when all of a sudden a mess of emotions rolled over me and I realized that I missed SD. I actually started tearing up! So I called BM, left a message telling her to get SD to call me, I just wanted to talk. So SD called me back 5 minutes later and I said, 'don't make fun of me...I called because I miss you! lol' SD's reaction was a sigh and an 'I miss you too Kyra, dont worry, I'll see you Friday' in a reassuring tone. haha she's so cute.

Skid room question

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Currently we live in a 3 bedroom house but with me being pregnant again, it's going to get small, quick. So my husband and I have spoken about moving and it's an inevitable possibility. I absolutely hate moving and there's that part of me that says that we won't find another house like this for a decent enough price (we rent).

What is a vacation? I forget....

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This summer BM finally decided that doing an every other week schedule with SD 7 was the proper thing to do. I hate to say I told ya so but....THAT WAS MY IDEA LAST YEAR! But BM said, 'no thats too often of a switch.' And every weekend isn't...? But whatever. So we get SD every other week and we've had her twice so far. I believe it works out so she spends equal time both here and there.

Allergies or ADHD are you serious?

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Last night BM sent me an email back about the situation with SD and cutting vacation short because of her behavior. BM relied once again upon her excuse of SD's allergies to pollen and how its high right now and it makes her behave this way. This is the third time BM has blamed pollen counts on why SD acts the way she does. I still don't buy it all the way. I understand that allergies can make anyone miserable and snappy, but I just don't think allergies can push a 7 y.o. to talk back, or be controlling, or just have a bad attitude in general. Are they seriously linked?

What the eff

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Yesterday while H was going to drop off SD 7 to BM I suddenly was aware of the date. BM, a while ago, had agreed to keep SD for one weekend a month, at the end of the month...this past weekend was definately the last of the month and SD definately was with
So I now realize that if I am not the one to say anything about it, it's not going to happen. It pissed me off cos now I have one more thing to clarify and worry about amongst everything else. Again, this is totally a situation where if it were the other way around, BM would bust a nut.

What BM pulled this time

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The normal time to pick up SD (7) on Friday evenings is 5:30pm. Depending on my husbands work schedule, this works out just fine as long as they throw the other a text verifying the time. BM usually texts H between 2-4pm, usually saying ,'usual time?' Today, no text, not even at 5pm. It takes H 30 minutes to get where BM considers half-way. H didn't know what was gong on and he was still working. I'd get SD, but I don't have a friggin car. So, H texts BM, can they make it 6 instead of 5:30.
