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Phone Calls

MemizeIHope's picture

So who here thinks that phone calls during the time that you don't get to see your child is important? I feel as if there are the most important thing other then visitation, and right now my husband hasn't been able to talk to my sd6 on the phone for almost a month now. I'm worried that this is affecting their relationship and wish that the bm wasn't trying to hurt my family so much. We try so hard to show her that we care and all of attemps the bm fights us all the way. I've got to the point where im going to start sending sd6 mail and see if she can get it, she problemly won't, but anything is worth a try right?

So does anyone have any ideas how to show her we care? And how about Phone calls important or not important to the relationship?


BSgoinon's picture

I would try mail. Is there a babysitters house or family memeber that she visits that would hand her the phone if you called there? Maybe go to her school and take her lunch if that is allowed at her school.

We don't call the kids when they are at the other parents house, but they are only gone for a maximum of 3 days. If there is a longer gap (like for vacation time) we would surely call to tell them we love them.

MamaBecky's picture

Being the NCP phone access is so much more important. Yes you should definitely be able to speak to your child during a long gap in time before they come back to your residence. Can you have phone access and a phone call schedule put into your parenting plan? In my situation SD14 is old enough to have her own cell phone so we have open access to contacting her. In regards to my SD5 we tried two calls a week but honestly she didn't like having to stop whatever she was doing to talk on the phone as often times she was playing/watching a movie. We basically had to force her and it wasn't a positive experience all the way around, so we opted to go visit her for a couple of extra hours during the week at her other home where we can either play with her on the playground at her residence or sometimes my DH watches videos with her or she and I play barbies. I realize this is not possible or even desirable for all situations. I would certainly require the phone access if that were my only means of communication during the time that the child (especially a younger child) was at the other parents home for a long period of time.