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MemizeIHope's Blog

What the future may hold??

MemizeIHope's picture

Well I'll start this by asking a question. Does anyone here even wonder how the children are going to feel about the situration that they are in with 2 families? Me and my worry is my husband and I have been in a big custosy fight to get my step-daughter who is only 6 year old. Long story short the bio-mom pulled the only card she could to keep us from my step-daughter and that was DNA.

What should I do??

MemizeIHope's picture

I am wondering what i should do. It seems like i care more for my sd6 then my husband does sometimes. Like his item of spending time with the child is watching TV, which i don't approve of cuz the tv is not a babysitter and your not spending time with the child. With everything that is going on with the BM and not having a good relationship with the child i really wonder what I should be leaning towards continueing to have a relationship with the child or stop trying to be so close with the SD6.

Phone Calls

MemizeIHope's picture

So who here thinks that phone calls during the time that you don't get to see your child is important? I feel as if there are the most important thing other then visitation, and right now my husband hasn't been able to talk to my sd6 on the phone for almost a month now. I'm worried that this is affecting their relationship and wish that the bm wasn't trying to hurt my family so much. We try so hard to show her that we care and all of attemps the bm fights us all the way.

first time no visitation.

MemizeIHope's picture

Well out of the whole battle this is the first weekend that we didn't get our sd6. I'm not that suprized because i think the bm is trying to get us to go to court and have our visits taken away for good. We haven't been able to talk to the child is almost 2 weeks, last time we had her for visitation. bm calls us private and tells us that her lawyer said that we don't get everyother weekend like the co has been for the last two years. I just can't believe this and when we do go back to court she will likely win because she's the damn blood mom.

Just another day

MemizeIHope's picture

I'm so tired of BM not letting us talk to my sd6 on the phone. We try to call and leave messages and she never calls us back. I can't believe that she wants to ruin her daughters relationship with my husband/only father she knows. Just because she is mad at my husband for moving on and trying to do the best for the child. I'd love to know why mothers out there act so selfish and have no concerns for their own children.

Anyone in Va with Visitation help.

MemizeIHope's picture

I currently live in Virginia and My huband has gone from joint custody to visitation because he is not the bio-parent. We currently are haveing trouble with the BM not letting the child talk to us on the phone and along with other drama and hurt feelings for both my family and mostly the child. I was wondering if there was anyone who would have some advise for us with dealing with the court system. we think that it would be a good idea to place the child in therapy and have no clue if the court would even hear us out. Help???

Help; How to deal with an evil mother

MemizeIHope's picture

hello, I am so glad that i found this site, hopefully there's someone out there that can help with my situration. I have be a Step-mom for almost two years now and here in the last year our family has been though hell and back and then back to hell. Last year some time my step-daughter who is now 6 years old had started telling us that she want to come live with her daddy and me, so my husband and I started to get our ducks in a row to file for physical custody. Well the mother didn't like that very much and decided to get a DNA test which suprized the hell out of us.