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Liking one more than the other

Mikhaila87's picture

So after nearly 2 years of the skids being in my life...we spent Sunday with just SS7 as SS10 was at his friends. He was a pleasure to be around, took him for his eye test (as his BM failed and still claims to have taken him...even though he's colour blind and needs glasses...course you did prick) we played in the afternoon in his room, we played Xbox...cooked dinner...he told me he didn't like certain food (he never opens up if SS10 is there, its like he doesn't dare talk).

The kid is just a dream, he is a monkey but I like that however SS10 came home and it was like a black cloud came down on my house. My mood dropped, SS7 started being naughty and I ended up going to bed early. I think SS7 needs to fight for the attention when SS10 is around as SS10 is so noisy and gets his way all the time with BM.


justanothergurlNJ's picture

YUP! I feel the same way. I ADORE ss8, he is a great kids. I see A LOT of my SO qualities in him. SS10 is all BM it's disturbing, as is he and his mother.

wth was I thinking's picture

Same here. When they are apart, SD9 is... mostly pleasant. To the point that I don't mind if she is there, and will spend (limited) time with her. The older one though... SD10. Ugh. Can't stand her, and she brings her sister down in a big way.

Ninji's picture

I feel the same. SD11 is a normal kid. Doesn't feel the need to whine and cry all the time. SS9, I'm getting to the point I can't even stand the sound of his voice anymore. Half the time when he speaks to me, I ignore him. It's always, I want I want I want with that kid.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Same here. SS13 is a sweet kid who is not trouble at all. SD15 arrives and everything is tense, ugly, exhausting.

Mikhaila87's picture

Thank god it wasn't just me! I just adore ss7, he's a naughty boy but I like a bit of naughtyness and he's just a proper tough little boy. The ss10 is a moany I want this I need this type of kid and then tell ss7 what to do. Ss7 I think really enjoyed time with me and my partner just on his own. He felt able to talk more about what he likes. I get annoyed by ss10 being such a manipulative child he gets it from his mother. I don't want to dislike the kid he's a kind soul deep down just annoying lol

Tuff Noogies's picture

it's ok to get along differently with them. it's ok to connect with one on a certain level and not the other(s). just different types of compatible personalities.

u didnt give birth to them, so that bond is not there. it's perfectly normal for you to maybe get annoyed by one more than the other - as long as you DO NOT show like u're playing favorites.