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O/T My kid issues

misguided's picture

I need advice on this one. My daughter is almost 7 years old and for the most part a very sweet kid. She will constantly say to me "I love you mommy" This has been going on for over a two years now. It doesn't matter who is around or if we are alone, she says it about 5-15 times a day. At first I thought it was really sweet but I can see how it would be really annoying to my husband and even the skids. If they were saying that to their dad all the time I think it would bug me. If I don't say I love you back (which I almost always do), she repeats herself until I do. I don't want to tell her she can't tell me she loves me but I want to take the other people who live in this house feelings into consideration. Any advice?


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Sounds like she may feel insecure about something. I'd talk to her and see if anything is bothering her. Have there been any changes lately? I personally wouldn't care I it bothered skids but that's me. If you are trying to be considerate then maybe come up with a secret 'I love you' signal that only you and her know. Maybe everytime she/you touches your ear that means 'I love you' or if she blinks 3 times or whatever. That way she still 'tells' you but no one has to hear it or knows. Plus it'll be fun to have a secret signal that only you two know when others are around.

livizzle's picture

SD8 does this with me. Now, I'm grateful that she loves me, but it's annoying to hear it 15 times per day. She'll run up and hug me out of nowhere for long periods of time (which is frustrating when I'm trying to do housework, etc.). She wants me to pick her up and carry her around .. and she's no small kid! I love her, but it's very over-affectionate.

confusedsm11's picture

My DD6 thinks hugs, kiss, etc are for babies lol so I get minimal affection from her. SS does this though to DH and it drives me NUTS! He's always hugging him, telling him he loves him, etc. Like another poster said, it might be insecurities. I'm pretty sure that is what it is with DH. I also think some of it has to do with he doesn't want to share DH with the DD or our DS together. Maybe she is jealous? Tough one...good luck!

sweetthing's picture

My almost 4 y/o tells me her loves me about 20 times a day it seems. I never worry about what DH & the skids think or feel about it, I just enjoy it. There will come a day when he grows up & that stops and I belive in living in the now. Smile

Just relax & enjoy it, it will end before you know it & then you will miss it.

doll faced sm's picture

I agree this sounds a lot like an insecurity issue. DD9 used to tell me upwards of 20 times a day after I came back from being deployed. I could tell that's what was up, and I wasn't deploying again before getting out, so I just explained that mommy wasn't leaving again. It took some time, but once she really understood that I wasn't going anywhere, it died down on it's own. She still tells me every day, but now it's like once or twice a day.