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Thoughts as to what to say?

misguided's picture

My 10 year old SD has been going to very strange lengths to get attention. For the last two weekends she has been pretending to throw up. She will fill her mouth up and run to the bathroom and pretend to throw up. She hasn't realized yet that she might want to mash up the food because a whole french fry just doesn't cut it. LOL. She also has been screaming and crying in the water (pool) that her leg is cramping and she is drowning (she isn't). I am so surprised by this I don't even know what to say so I say nothing. Her father is at a loss as well. How would you handle this? Thanks




overit2's picture

MOST kids will seek attention for a reason. Try to dig to the bottom of the reason first and go from there.

Probably a conversation her dad and her should have.

CrystalRE's picture

Is it possible that this works well for her in the "other house". I know my SK's use to pull this with BM and she would automatically take them to the doctor, let them stay home from school, etc. It got to the point that we had to call BM and discuss the situation with her because they were missing a lot of school and we were getting a lot of DR bills for nothing.

reeny511's picture

my SD does this whenever she feels she's not getting enough attention from her dad (my DH). Whenever he is playing with our BD3 or shows her any kind of affection, SD will pretend she is going to be sick and will run to the bathroom. He caught on real quick and told her to knock it off!

secondplace's picture


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yep! Then if she says she's not really sick or not really drowning, talk to her about crying wolf & how if she really needs help or really is sick no one will believe her.

Willow2010's picture

I don't think I would spank the kid for this at all. i think Vickmiester has the best suggestions by far.

SteppingUp's picture

My SS3 has been caught about 3 times fake throwing up in the toilet -- although it was strange because I don't believe he intended to be caught because he jumped 10 feet in the air each time. We have to assume BM has had one too many hangovers and SS3 thought it was cool or something to do that...

With your SD, I agree with those above that say you should definitely say something. The measures she takes might become more drastic. You could always go the opposite route and start scaring her that she needs to go to a hospital since she appears to bulemic, show her pictures online and effects of bulemia and grill her about why she's doing it...I don't know what method would work best but I think any method BUT ignoring it should be used. She needs to realize how immature it is.