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Here I am.

MissK03's picture

Hello All. Been reading this site for sometime now and figured I would finally post. (2nd time writing as my first one didn't save) very upset haha.

I will start with I am a bioless 34 old, been with my SO 4.5 years now, he has 3 kids. SD12, SS15, SS16. He is 43 been separated from BM since 2011, divorced 2012, had a month thing "for the kids" year after their divorce. We have skids full time now for 2 years. I pretty much moved in with them after 6 months of knowing SO. I did however keep my apartment for a year just to be on the safe side. At the time I met my SO BM was taking skids every other weekend. She lives in the next town over (10 minutes away) When they got divorced it was written 50/50 but that was never the case even before I came along in the picture. BM pretty much wanted out. Married young, kids young, and I use to give her the benefit of the doubt for those reasons. Naturally everything was pretty friendly for the first year and half. Then things changed.



ill start with SD12. Her and I have a great relationship. I do everything for her. She definitely was a mini wife in the beginning but she knows who is there for her. She has even stated to me that I am more of a mother to her then BM. She is also extremely close with my uncle's fiancé and bffs with her daughter so that I think helps also with the lack of BM presence. She can be bossy, whining, complaining but nothing out of the ordinary. Does very well in school and likes all things crafty as I like to do stuff myself. She will actually be 13 this week. She loves me as I do her.

Now onto SS15. Another great kid. He is drama free. Does his own thing, gets good grades, solid group of friends (they pretty much only hang out at our house. Before corona of course lol) respectful, appreciative. All around great kid. He also knows who is there for him 

Now SS16. This is were things get dicey. Self centered, entitled, forever victim, list goes on that I can say. Treats SO and myself horrible. If something doesn't go his way or if he gets in trouble for not listening throws tantrums like a 3 year old. ADHD, does horrible in school even though on extra help program, I could keep going. I don't even talk to him anymore Not worth my time. This has caused huge riffs between myself and SO for various things. He also sees a psychologist who puts him in his place can only do so much if the person doesn't see it. I fully agree though that no matter how much someone can parent or not parent. Genetics plays a huge part on how people grow up. As I see with him. 

Now more about BM. She is always forever victim, doesn't see what she does and the damages she causes. Her and I got along for awhile until I couldn't take it anymore and let her have it. She was the type only went to skids games on her weekends. Didn't do anything really extra for them. Barely brought them anywhere on her weekends. Well.. my SO was giving her $650 a month NOT court ordered because he was always afraid of what she would do. She also got remarried to the guy she has been with for at least 6 years now. Skids didn't even know about the wedding till day after when she sent pictures to them. 


Fast forward to feb 2018. I call her out on all her BS. It started because I bought a dress for SDs father daughter dance. She had never bought her pervious dresses all through elementary school so why was this any different. She tells my SO he doesn't communicate blah blah then says to him "why are you always defending her" that was my last straw. In our falling out text convo she threatens court. We follow through with her threats. It was a long 3 months as she was taking skids 50/50 because that was written at their divorce 6 years earlier but never was the case. Skids were miserable my SO was barely sleeping etc. GAL was appointed. When BM realized SO wasn't going after her for child support she agreed to every other sat/sun. Ok court ends and clearly no more money for BM. it was something that was overdue anyways 

since then skids have been to her house (1 night each) July 2018, august 2018, Xmas eve 2018, Xmas eve 2019. Totally of literally 36hours. She takes them out individually for their bdays, she took SD last summer a few times to get her nails done (Found out sd paid for her own nails so BM was pretty much just an Uber driver) and took SS16 out to lunch Once with now both ex gfs. (Another story for another day tries to bff young girls)


Now leads me to today. My SO and I have been fighting a lot over the past year. 99% are because of SS16 or BM.

BM has "gotten the picture" for the most part after a convo they had 6 months after court because this women was not grasping the fact they weren't bffs anymore.  I mean you left your family twice, cheated etc, manipulated him for so many years etc. 

she will though still text him nonsense that doesn't need reply's but SO feels compled to answer her. Even if it's a "k" I still get angry about it. He has created me because he allowed all the other BS for so long. 

He is not a fighter at all, but now even when I try to talk to him about my feeling it turns into a fight. Every single time. He gets mad at me for everything BM related when I just want him to SS my point! She's just asking for attention! He claims I want to control how he handles her, etc. I know we all hear the same lines. He loves me I know this and has no feeling towards her but it's just the point.


My recently mental health state though. I always wanted kids of my own and I really thought SO was it. He used to bring it up in the beginning. I was always like no becaus I didn't  want to pressure him. Here I am 4.5 years later not even close to what I thought was going to happen with him and I. He's getting older and my clock is ticking and I need medical intervention anyways. I think I get so mad about BM because I envy what she had/has. It's weird. She got someone to marry her not once but twice! She was able to have kids no problem! 

No I feel stuck in my own head and angry all the time. I did bring this up to him the other night while we were kind of fighting and he hasn't spoken a word about it.

I need to find better angry outlets I suppose, I want to plan the rest of my life. I'm in a limbo right now and hate it.

Thats all I got right now since this is incredibly long to start haha.


Thanks for reading. 




oneoffour's picture

This is about your SO failing to identify your needs as primary. You can be the mother to all the world but these kids have their own living mother. And regardless of the effort you put into filling the "mother" gap, this will never happen. See, these kids will hold onto the idea that their mother will come around and be the person they really want to be their mother, Someone who is resonsible, loyal, kind, appreciative, financially independent and takes care of her kids.

My daughter has been tossed out of a 2 yr relationship with her dream guy (not) who is a piss poor father and lost one of his children last year to alcohol poisoning. The sad thing is my daughter saw this coming. He allowed his child to drink to excess because "........ will figure it out". He accepted calls from his ex at all hours of the day and night because "we have a 20 yr history". Now he has decided to toss out her and my grandchildren. 

He may be "amazing" (code word around here for good in the sack and not much else) but when do you put yourself first? When are your needs met before others? Men and women should not get involved with anyone else until they can disconnect emotionally and electronically from their exes. 

The fighting is with SO because he will not change. He will not try. He will not compromise. Meanwhile you are expected to just accept his status quo before his because he has kids. You are expected to bend over to their needs becaiuse of the "mother' vaccum in their lives. So basically you are a nanny and maid with bed warming privileges. Not very nice when you look at it like that is it? Because you do not have a say in ANYTHING that remotely puts boundaries on his ex or the kids behaviour.

Sorry to be so blunt but my daughter is finding any reason why her ex is being a prick and she just may go back. I am hoping it is just one of those days. And for the record her ex writes these long winded allorgries and sends her rather obtuese song lyrics... what is he... 15????? Nope, 40.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Amazing - code word around here for good in the sack and not much else." LOL!!

I regret that i have but one upvote to give! 

ldvilen's picture

Wow!  This a lot for a bioless SM: “34 YO, been with my SO 4.5 years now, he has 3 kids. SD12, SS15, SS16. He is 43 been separated from BM since 2011, divorced 2012, had a month thing "for the kids" year after their divorce. We have skids full time now for 2 years.”

I too am a bioless SM and I only had to deal with 2 kids EOWE.  I don’t know how you do it, and you are just starting to go into the teen years with ‘em.  I’m going to take a stab at a guess, but I’d assume that after 4.5 years, and with 2 of those years full time, you are already getting burned out. 

First a couple of things regarding BM.  You should not be taking BM on regarding her own children.  BM’s ex-husband, your DH, should be the one dealing with her, especially when it comes to any criticisms he might have regarding BM’s parenting.  BM and DH are the children’s parents.  That is separate from the situation you now find yourself in, though, where BM is a lazy parent (and probably DH too) and you and DH have these kids with you FT. 

So, you have BM and DH chit-chatting with each other, while you are basically babysitting and raising their children.  Not good.  First of all, you are your DH’s SO.  You are giving up a heck of a lot to be with this man and his children.  You AT LEAST need to be the #1 woman in your man’s life, and not behind BM.  If you don’t want DH and BM chatting, then your DH needs to quit period (outside of discussions regarding the kids, of course).  By trying to claim there is nothing wrong with it and you are the one with the problem, DH is letting you know, supposedly the love of his life, that BM is basically wife #1 and you are wife #2.  Why?  Because they are deciding how YOU fit into THEIR picture, rather than YOU and DH deciding how BM fits into YOUR picture.

So, now you have come to this place where you really have to choose, because of your bio. clock.  You have to choose to either stay and raise these kids, or leave and find a better mate.  This is something I’d highly suggest that you speak with a counselor about, but I’ll add in my two cents.  #1, there is never a guarantee no matter how well YOU THINK you have done with your SKs, no matter how much you have given up for them, etc., that they will even remotely return any favor or kindness to you.  How well you get along with your SKs will have way more to do with BM, in particular, and your DH than it will have to do with either you or any of your SKs.

BMs, as bio-moms, pretty much have all the power when it comes to their kids.  They don’t like you, the odds are pretty high the kids won’t either, and this is regardless of whether you and your DH have full custody or not.  Your DH has the power to counter some of this, but considering that he even now panders to BM, insisting on responding to every one of her texts, he’s not interested in countering any negativity she may have towards you.  In fact, by going along with BM on just about everything SHE wants, he is letting his kids know that she is still the #1 woman in his life, and if he doesn’t have to take you seriously, then they don’t either.

Now, you can either gamble on a crap shoot, because who knows how your SKs will feel about you 5, 10, 15, 25 years from now.  Or, you can go with what works for you?  Because even if you decide to stay, for whatever reason, you need to start doing what works for you first, because no one else is or will be looking out for you.  There are far too many divorced men out there with children who think nothing of turning their SOs into their and their family’s own personal maid, servant, baby-sitter, taxi and bank.  Only, you don’t get paid for any of it.  Instead, you just get to give and give and give.

MissK03's picture

I haven't spoken to BM in the two years now. Every year I take pics of the skids and give them to SO and get them for BM as well. Christmas 2018 she texted me some BS and started the text with "I know we have had our differences thank you etc" I didn't reply. During SDs basketball she sits on one side I sit in the other. SD will talk to her for minute then I bring her home. I also work weekends and leave work early to attend all her games because BM doesn't attend all and my SO works all weekend too 


I do way more then I get credit for. 3 days a week it's my responsibility to get the skids up and make sure they get to school. My SO leaves for work at 3:50am and I leave when they get on the bus. The other two days he is home. 

She called the schools had me taking off all school emails etc. and my SO agreed to this with the new custody agreement. I'm not even an emergency contact anymore. 

I've stated that I feel like a live in maid before he just goes HOW??!! I explain, then I get angry, never ending cycle. We take skids on big trips every summer since I've come around. 

I do know that if I were to leave SD would be destroyed. SS15 more then likely too. More so then their own mother. SS16 I have no desire to have a relationship with. I don't like who he is a person. It's way beyond teenage years drama.

ldvilen's picture

Honey, these are DH and BM’s kids and thus their burden to carry.  ALL of it is their burden to carry.  “She called the schools had me taking off all school emails etc. and my SO agreed to this with the new custody agreement.”  You continually give your heart to these kids and your big thanks is to be reminded over and over that they are not yours.  You have all of this responsibility but none of the authority.  And the bios are taking advantage of that.  Traditionally, someone with responsibility but no authority = employee, servant, nanny, driver, babysitter and so on.  At least these people get paid!

I’ll post what I posted on another topic recently, very similar to yours, by the way.  No matter how much you think you may love your DH or how much you may want to "save" your SKs, sometimes it is just not enough.  Nothing will improve, and may (and probably will) get worse.  The only thing that can improve for you is if DH suddenly "grows a pair," to put it bluntly.  If you feel you can't live with this situation and your DH won't grow and man-up, then you need to start working on an exit plan.  Do you want yourself kowtowing to some other woman and a bunch of bios who want to have their cake and eat it too, at your expense, the rest of your life?  Doesn’t sound like it to me.

MissK03's picture

Oh I know this isn't about BM. There has been so much in between that's impossible to write everything. 

A ton of boundaries have been in place since I've come into the picture. It's the little ones that eat me alive and there is no way no how for him to see it.

 I know how I can be. I know I may not be easiet some times but damn. He did say that I was right and he thought BMs goal before/after the falling out was to get me out. I told him multiple times it was NEVER about skids. It was always control and having him in her coat tails for life. She cried to him about this before as well. "We were suppose to be friends forever" 

He stated to me not that long ago that he has blocked out a lot of the stuff she has done to him. So how does that make it fair for me? 
I have invested serious emotional, financial, and physical bond to this relationship with the thought of actual not being in it is so so hard. 


ldvilen's picture

Sadly, this describes about every SM on the planet, “I have invested serious emotional, financial, and physical bond to this relationship with the thought of actual not being in it is so so hard.”

Willow2010's picture

 I envy what she had/has. It's weird. She got someone to marry her not once but twice! 


 First off...stop this train of thought.  She is NO better than you just because she caught 2 stupid men.  

My advice would be different if you were married. are not married and it sounds like HE does not want to marry.  Count your lucky stars.  This is an awful situation and you are letting him AND BM walk on you.  Stop it.  

I know you love this guy but he won't marry you...he won't have kids with you...he does not sound like a really good man.  

Note...they took you off the school list.  Then STOP anything to do with the school.  Just stop.  These are not your kids and it sound like BM and DH just want you to do all the work and they make all the calls about YOUR life.  

Rethink this situation hun.  You deserve better.  

Willow2010's picture

I have invested serious emotional, financial, and physical bond to this relationship with the thought of actual not being in it is so so hard. 


And FYI...4.5 years is not a long time to invest.  15.5 years is a long time so please don't be the one that leaves an idiot after your prime is over.  And make no mistake.  You are in your prime NOW.  Don't waste it.  

Kes's picture

I get what you say about having invested a lot in the relationship - I felt the same about my first marriage - I was with the man for 24 yrs but in the end he treated me so poorly that I couldn't envisage the rest of my life with him - I was 44 at the time.  You are still well young enough to have kids with someone but I don't think you want to be doing it with this one.  Him accusing you of wanting to control how he interacts with BM is a dead giveaway - he is not interested in your peace of mind at all.  You have a "dog in the fight" but he is not aknowledging this.  All these interactions with BM affect you as well as him.  My advice is cut your losses and leave. 

ldvilen's picture

And remember, you are much better off by yourself, alone if you want to call it that, with your feelings of self worth intact and being able to look forward to a peaceful evening, than you are being with someone, a so-called partner, who puts his own self-interests first or some other woman's self-interests above yours.

MissK03's picture

Ok so I'll use this past week as an example. SO and BM didn't speak/text for a month. Easter she texts him that she wants to pay pal him money for the skids for Easter. (She most have gotten her stimulus check because she hasn't given money to them outside their bdays and Christmas in years) 

Monday.. I asked him to text her to see if she is doing anything for SDs bday (Thursday) SO and I are both essential employees have no symptoms or signs throughout this whole thing. She says no after this is all over. Everyone is on my phone plan. Because I'm nosy I looked at the texts on the plan. I see on Easter they exchanged 30 plus messages. So I bring this up. He gets all pissed screen shots the convo and sends to me. ( still missing part of the convo) it was legit but still. It was super friendly them trying to figure out to send.


Wedneday she texts him because SS15 Spanish teacher sends an email because he forgot to do something. OK.


Friday she texts him something about the house they lived in 20 years ago! Then goes oh Nevermind lol. He didn't respond. Few hours later she texts is SS15 up he isn't answering. 

So because of their exchange Sunday I think that opened door for communication all week. So he doesn't respond to her all the time but I said you don't need to respond to her asking if SS15 is up. She hasn't asked him that in awhile (that I am aware of) SS15 just wasn't answering.

Now, is it his responsibility to police the kids to make sure they answer the phone? 

He just says it's much easier just to answer because she will just keep asking. Like ok get that too. But I bring this up. He gets mad. She was wayyyy worse before. 

ldvilen's picture

OP, none of this matters.  If someone wants to control or gaslight you, there is always a "legitimate" excuse.  Please reread all we wrote above and think seriously about how you want your future to go.  This isn't about onsie, twosie incidents.  This is about the rest of your life. 

MissK03's picture

100% agree.