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BM backdown

mndblwn's picture

So our BM finally agreed to let us keep skid and take him to the heart doctor visit this friday. in exchange for these 3 days, she is picking him up 3 days early for her summer vacation. what's new with this agreement over the one we asked for last weekend? we offered up the same exchange and she flipped saying we were playing games and that we are ignorant and she won't talk to us anymore, everything must go to her attorney first.

did she get on special medication now or talk to her attorney realizing that she is an idiot and her ego is too big to say sorry? maybe my comment to her when she told her kid she loved him and i said then take him to the appointment really stuck hard in her heart. Makes me wonder if she does stupid crazy things to us to make us worry and freak out then when it comes down to the wire she gives in.

most important is that the skid gets to go to the doctor as soon as possible and i highly doubt she will make the trip. also that we have it in writing of the exchange. i had to type it in dumb terms so she could understand.

the big questions are though do we leave things lie because they turned out for the best or motion for full custody on the grounds that she won't take her kid and uses him against us? Or do we let sleeping dogs lie and just try our best to schedule things only during our time without hassling with her? hard life to live sometimes.

Now let's see if she comes to watch baseball games or makes skid miss them completely.