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Just Venting ...

Mocha2001's picture

Okay ... here goes. You'll recall that we got the email from BM ... trying to make peace, giving DH extra day with SS. You'll recall the DH and BF talked when we took SS to the DDS. Okay, we drove to Wenatchee (about 3 hours away) this weekend, and SS was watching movies, so DH and I talked a bit. We talked about ways to keep the conflict between DH and BM to a minimum, how we were going to handle things, what I could do to make things better, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Okay ... today I take SS to school, we make our payment, and school director says ... oh, BM hasn't made a payment since May 16th. WHAT!??!!! She looks and sure enough no payment since May 16th ... balance BM owes is $557. Okay ... I call DH and ask if he wants me to pay it, or if he wants to talk to her first - we have a provision for this in the ORS. He says, let's talk to her first.

I go to DH work and he is talking to BF again. They've been on the phone for 30 minutes. BF didn't know BM was THAT far behind in the tuition, and other things ... there was a lot he didn't know. DH and I are contemplating ... do we talk to her tonight, or give her and BF a night to figure it all out and call tomorrow (Tuesday).

I'm sitting down letting the director know that we aren't going to talk to BM tonight, but will let her know what's going on. I thought, I better call to find out when SS will be kicked out of school for non-payment ... she says it has to be paid tomorrow. GREAT!!! DH is at the neighbors drinking ... I'm working (and drinking - I can do that cuz I work for myself ... gotta love it!!!). I call him over at the neighbors and let him know ... now we have to talk to BM tonight ... if she doesn't answer ... I don't know what DH is going to do ...

Lots more to share about DH and BF conversation today. DH gave BF a lot of "our perspective" and BF actually said "that makes sense" on a lot of things. HOpefully this mess will work into something better. I'll write more about the conversation later ... gotta go get DH so we can prepare for 9pm phone call to BM. Oh, Joy!!!

~ Katrina


Anne 8102's picture

My DH would talk to BM's DH and the two of them could work out ANYTHING just fine between the two of them. But just as soon as BM and her DH "discussed" things amongst themselves, all the plans made by the two men would unravel. Sometimes I think she would go out of her way to complicate things for herself just to inflict a little aggravation on us. Sigh. There's just no talking to someone who is dead set against hearing you.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

Mocha2001's picture

Good point!! She paid the $363 today, but of course didn't bother to tell DH until after we were to have paid it all ready. And of course BF is the one who told DH what was going on. BF is the one who really seems reasonable right now. I just thank God we didn't have to put it on our credit card. BM will be responsible for the entire amount of pre-school for next week as we paid in advance and it went toward the past due amount. Anyway, she probably won't pay and this will continue to be a battle.

~ Katrina

Chocoholic's picture

Keep track of this sort of thing.... BM's irresponsibility will come back to bite her at some point.

goingcrazy's picture

in your new real estate carreer! Anyone who can drink and work at the same time was the making for a top seller!!! Wait till you start going on Realtor tours and builder's parties!!! (Shame on you!!!)

Ok, Ok now for your situation. Maybe having BF in the picture will make things start working. I know that DH started making more progress with crack whore bio mom when I came into the picture and could openly talk to her. Well, that was until she was put behind those dang heavy cast iron bars called jail }:)

So, let me get this straight. She did end up paying, but it still wasn't the whole amount she owed? What does this woman do with her money? I find it ironic that you """"SUPER STEPMOM""""" was willing to whip out the plastic to assure that Jacob kept his spot in school, yet bio bitch risks everything. UGH! I get just as pissed at your situation as I do mine. So many moms on here are cursing each other and wishing there stepkids would go away. Then we are here cherishing ours and having to fight every step of the way againsy BB's that seem to care less! Well, kudos to you for being a terrific mom. Jacob is blessed to have you!

Mocha2001's picture

Hey, I went to a party college, I can drink and succeed anytime. Although I don't drink very often, I can hold my own when I do ... HE HE HE

Yes, BM is only current on daycare until Friday, next week she will be responsible for the entire $165, which probably won't be paid until Friday the 10th cuz that's when she gets paid. What she does with her money, I have no idea. She makes $40k per year, is $1000 past due on the HELOC (fastly approaching 120 past due) and the are threatening foreclosure proceedings. BF says they are talking about selling the house, but who knows ...

You know ... all she has to do is pay about $270 per month for daycare. That's 1/2 of the child support. So, when she gets the child support, she should turn around and write that check for $270 so this doesn't happen again. URGH!!!

Communication is going better, so I just hope that it continues that way.

~ Katrina

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

You are my hero when it comes to being a stemommy Katrina!!!! Jacob is indeed a very lucky boy. And once agian,lol,lol,Anne, you are right, it is very difficult dealing with someone dead set agiants hearing you..Dh and I both have to deal with that with both of our ex's, it is so damned draining.

Mocha2001's picture

If you haven't already read my "Holly Cow" post ... making progress in the communication area. Keep your fingers crossed.

~ Katrina