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mommaappel's picture

wow, after reading some of the stories here I am actually quite thankful for my future husband to be! We willl be married in July 2010, I have 3 children, he has one, mine are grown and either out of college or in college. My main issue is my soon to be SD13 and the BM. On more than one occasion the SD has argued with my HTB about school, grades, attendance and usually ends up name calling and yelling. He of course holds his tongue but she thinks nothing of call him nasty, disgusting names and dropping the "F"-bomb telling him she hates him, doesnt want to see hime, etc. The most recent occurance he finally had enough! He says no more weekends over or anything for that matter until SD13 steps up to plate and apologizes and asks his forgiveness. She misses alot of school while BM makes excuses for her absence's. BM wants a 3rd meeting with us to discuss SD13 behavior and visitation. My HTB pays CS and all medical, dental, vision, takes her to Orthdontist appts and pays half of that, schedued counseling to start in Jan, etc. BM wnats her "time alone" and wants my HTB to give in on the aplology thing and welcome her into our home so she can go do her thing, which doesnt matter anyway because she leaves her alone for days on end 3 or 4 days, while shes hours away and doesnt tell us that the SD13 is home alone with influenza! I went to local bookstore nad bought 5 books trying to gain skills to deal with the two of them! They are driving me crazy!!! HTB is awesome and knows how stressed we both get when the proverbial s*** hits the fan! But I need help he cant give me and I also need to be educated so that I can help him and be his "rock" when he gets down because only I know how much it hurts him when she she says these things to him. Anyone have any ideas?? Books, DVD's, seminars, anything????


Kb3Hooah's picture

There are 3 things I see going on here.

1. Lack of consistent punishment for her behavior (didn't see you post that)
2. Lack of quality time spent between your HTB and SD
3. SD entering into the dreadful teenage years and expressing her 'independence'
(not justifying her behavior, but alot of teenagers 'act out'.)

How would your HTB handle the situation if he were still married to BM? Would he kick her out of the house and tell her not to come back until she apologizes? Would he take it as harsh or would he chalk it up to her being a teenager and stick to the discipline?

“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."

mommaappel's picture

Dang it....lost my comment! so here goes. He could never handle situations when they were married as it made it so much harder on everyone for them to argue about discipline. SD had cell at age 8 and also began telling her dad off at that age too. Telling him with arguments between the parents that she hated him, never wanted to see him, etc. SD lived with us for the month of Oct becuz she got mad at BM. HTB set house rules...homework first...(grades were all F's except one) then chores (3 days per week, taking out garbage, clean room, empty dishwasher) then TV if time for 1 hr max. SD has missed 18 days of school this year, all but 4 excused by BM, for being "sick". I swear the kid is sick WEEKLY....or claims to be. BM is same way which is why she in unemployed living off CS and welfare. BM confides in SD about her dating issues and details are given about her dates. BM wants to be friend not parent, so I'm thinking impossible to enforce any rules. It's coming down to missing so much school that the school will turn her in and she will be mandated to go to school. I just wnat to be supportive and I have raised a daughter and we had rough times, but we always had mututal respect. Really looking for suggestions for references to help MY household run smoother and be as supportive of HTB as possible....thanks!