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mommaappel's Blog

Fearing BM???

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Wondering.....has anyone feared the BM? Like just afraid of what she was/is capable of? The BM has not made threats since I have been around but she did go to jail once for threats made to FH and things are escalating with SD13 the last 2 days to the point that it crosses my mind. I wont be able to get online today but am looking forward to reading comments when I get home.


mommaappel's picture

Ok, after a week or two of visiting daily sometimes more, I figured it was time to blog who I am so to speak and why I'm here....give my stats..LOL. I am 42 mother of 3 amazing grown children. Two of them are still in college, one is out and travels around with his job. I was with their dad for 22 years, only married for a year of those in 1994. I should have never married him but I did and quickly regretted it, however after divorcing his sorry a** I decided to "stay" with him until the kids were into college.


mommaappel's picture

wow, after reading some of the stories here I am actually quite thankful for my future husband to be! We willl be married in July 2010, I have 3 children, he has one, mine are grown and either out of college or in college. My main issue is my soon to be SD13 and the BM. On more than one occasion the SD has argued with my HTB about school, grades, attendance and usually ends up name calling and yelling. He of course holds his tongue but she thinks nothing of call him nasty, disgusting names and dropping the "F"-bomb telling him she hates him, doesnt want to see hime, etc.