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mommy0104's picture

Scrolling through Facebook today, I came across my ex's (BS14's bio-dad) sister's (I don't know why I haven't unfriended her yet..guess that's next on my list) latest status. It's a picture of a letter that my ex wrote her (from prison, of course, where he'll be for the next 3-5 years). She highlighted some of the parts she thought would get him the most sympathy for his "addiction"..and what do I see?? He all caps... "I LOVE METH!"..Nice...and people wonder why I'm "that BM" who doesn't want my kid (BS14) around that nonsense. It's not because I'm a mean's because the thought of my son hanging out with a felon, during a visit to the state pen, while screaming "I love meth"..kinda makes my stomach hurt...sheesh..How in the world, in one letter, can a man write that he's found Jesus and clings to the bible, and the next sentence tell his sister how much he loves getting high on meth..?!? Must be the addiction talking..but that man has had ample time to get help..hell even 15 years ago before he was an addict, I tried to get him to settle down, and he kicked my ass and kicked me out..his motto is "fuck it" and he does what he wants. I'm just glad that my BS14 isn't friends with either of them on Facebook..I'd hate to think of how it would make him feel to see his "dad" proudly admit that he loves meth..yikes!


mommy0104's picture

I don't think my ex ever had "finest hours" lol..but no, he wasn't this bad when I was with him. He mainly liked to drink, but nothing over the top. I was naive and just thought he was "misunderstood". I was young and dumb..thought it was cool to date the bad, I'm glad I grew up lol! My ex has never even, in over 14 years, attempted to contact BS14. He has never sent a card, contacted him via facebook, nothing..but he blames me for never getting to see him. He thinks I should track him down and beg him to see his son...nope, it's not my job, I'm doing the job that is mine. DH has really stepped up a lot and been a father to BS14 when he didn't have to. I just can't help but feel bad for BS14 when I see my ex to such stupid stuff. As far as PAS, I've never told my son lies to keep him from his "dad". But sometimes, I feel guilty telling him the truth. Mainly because the truth is so bad, that it feels like I'm PAS-ing. But I never tell BS14 anything unless he asks. So, I don't get any joy out of having to explain to him that his "dad" is a felon and a sucks!

kathc's picture

Nope, no. Not pas. Keeping your son from that trash is smart and the best thing you could do for him.

Monchichi's picture

*snap* I am that mother too. PPP's bio went to christening earlier this year and had his dealer meet him there to deliver his weeks supply of CAT. Such wonderful father material. Then tells all she can't be his child as I was sleeping with other men, whilst high as a kite at said christening. A lot of people changed their minds about what the real story was after that. Things I never wants my baby knowing about Sad