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Have a very merry skid vacation

Momof6WI's picture

I took two weeks off for Christmas. This week and next. We have all the kids this week. Things at work have been Uber stressful and I have been waiting the last few weeks drooling over my calendar for next week where I am kidless and workless. Then we get a phone call. Baby momma has Covid. We all did rapid tests today since they've been with us (skids) since Sunday so figured we can test now and in a few days If need be. Kids are fine, we're all negative so far. But selfish me is upset over my vacation. My sweet, lovely, glorious, kidless, vacation. Is no more. I cried. 10 days is Wednesday and we're packaging the children up neatly in bows and presenting them back to her. 

Then I will enjoy 5 wonderful days to myself. And I feel like im going to hell for being



Momof6WI's picture

I will do my best. After they leave I am going to finish up bow season in the woods and hopefully get my buck. Sit in the quiet. And love it. 

tog redux's picture

Oh no. Well, at least you don't have COVID yourself? Skids vs. COVID.  Not sure which is worse. (Just kidding, I know skids are worse (kidding again))

Hope you can carve out some "me time". 

Momof6WI's picture

Ugh I know! That's the decent human in me that is like be glad you don't have Covid! Be glad the kids don't have Covid! But then the selfish me is like man, I need that time. My husband feels awful. He told me he knows how long I've been looking forward to it. But at least I have a decent one and he asked me to watch the skids first before assuming I would. He works. And of course I will. His sister will always watch them if I need a breather so that's not an issue. I'm grateful I got a good one. It's probably more so that's baby momma that annoys me. The one that doesn't work, doesn't go anywhere. She gets Covid, and ruins the holidays for everyone. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Make it the season to NOT remember. Have your wine/ spirits cabinet filled up, and do an advent calendar with this. Countdown to when the skids leave. 

Merry Christmas.