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If dad has given up, should I?

Monkeys mom's picture

I come to this site whenever I don’t want to feel that I’m alone in my resentment of my step kids. I don’t hate them, I am just embarrassed and very disappointed in how they have turned out. Brief history, my husband and have been together for 13 years, married for 10. His son 27, lives with his girlfriend and is a great guy, we have a close relationship . My daughter is 21, lives with us, his two daughters 21 and 18 also live with us. All three of my steps have no relationship with bio mom, very long story, basically BM choice her abusive boyfriend over them. I had a very good relationship with them growing up, until the girls turned around 13. His middle child now 13 was a handful to say the least, a cutter, various non serious suicide attempts, time spent in mental health ward. I’m not under minding mental illness, but her many therapists thought they were attention seeking, rather then a desire to die. Needless to say this was an extremely stressful 3 years for the whole family. Because of my husbands fear of her suicide threats, he let her get away with everything, I mean everything. Her room was beyond disgusting, sleep overs at boyfriends at 16 years old. She was never disciplined a day in her life. My daughter, who is the same age, got away with way more then I was comfortable with ( not nearly as much as his) but I did sent rules and boundaries and I will admit that I said to her that you are my daughter my rules. When his youngest daughter turned 15 she began to ask out, skipping school, assaulted someone at school. Anytime my husband would try to decipline her she would pull the you never made middle child do that and he would back off and let her get away with everything.

Fast forward to now, my daughter 21 has finished college, has a part time job and is looking for work in her field. She was not a perfect teenager by any means but she respects our home and us, keeps her room clean and follows our rules. His middle daughter also 21 and also finished college is working in her field which is all good but for attention now she claims to have many allments, numerous concussions, back problems, knee problems, eye stigmatisun, sleep apnea and more. Her room is still disgusting as dad never follows up because she may freak out, which she still does often. Nothing is every her fault. She lost her job because the boss is a jerk, lost her phone because we didn’t buy her a purse she even fell off the bus while looking at her phone ( they have it on tape) and she wanted to sue the bus company because her needing 6 weeks off for a lightly sprayed ankle should be compinsated. The youngest in now 18, room disgusting, never does laundry, doesn’t do what she ever says she will, lies constantly and just started dating a guy that after a month together punched a whole in her bedroom wall ( she said it was her, but he was the one with the cuts on his hand. 

Thanks to reading the advice on this site, I made the decision to disengage with my SDs. I do not confront them or ask a thing from them. I also do not do things for them. I have always been a supportive good step mother but they only take and never give and I have had enough. It was my hope that my husband would step up and have them clean their rooms and contribute to the running of the home, as they are ADULTS now. Their rooms being disgusting drives me crazy and my husband knows, I was just put on high blood pressure meds and I really think this stress is a big part of it. After 6 months of disengaging and hoping that dad would act like a dad, no luck. So I sat down with him and told him how disappointed I was in them and him. I have been managing this home for years with little help. His response really surprised me, he said that he has given up on trying with the girls and is just waiting for them to move out. He is sick of all there BS and never doing what they are told. 

So I have disengaged and he has given up. So they can live in our home, disrespect us ( especially dad), never clean their rooms etc and I just wait. I really need advice from others that may have some experience with this. I truly love him, he is a wonderful husband and have plans to leave him, but what do we/him do about the kids?

much appreciated!


Lollybobs's picture

So they need to launch. You and DH need to sit down with them and come up with a realistic timescale/plan to get them out of your house and into their own accommodation. That way everyone is clear where the finish line is - and it may save your sanity!

hereiam's picture

If he is just waiting for them to move out, he needs to give them a move out date and stick to it.

Sounds like he gave up on them a long time ago and now you have to suffer the consequences.

ESMOD's picture

All three of these girls need to be set up on the "launch pad".. your daughter included.

I would start by sitting down with the 3 of them and tell them that they will be paying "rent" immediately.. and that you will be saving half of that money on their behalf towards a "move out" fund.  Let's say you charge them 500/month.. 250/month saved.. within a year they would have 3000 in their move out fund.

Another tactic?  perhaps your DH would be willing to "help" his girls move out of the house.. he could help them rent an apt.. gift them the downpmt and first month's rent?  

You could help your daughter similarly to find a place.. perhaps she could find a roomate.

I do have to say that I am thankful that my SD's both got out on their own after HS... (within 6 months).  My YSD is 21 and has been paying rent since she was 19 and is living in an apt she rented with a friend.  pays her own bills/insurance/car pmt etc.. (with no cosigner).

It can be done.... they just need to be told that there is not another option.

CLove's picture


Firstly, if they cannot act like adults they do not get adult priviledges. Bag their crap, and have them do chores to earn it back. Put locks on everything. Forbid the cretin who damaged your property from ever coming into your home again. Install web cams. Charge the 21 year olds rent. Have a "rental agreement with terms".

If the 18 yo acts out, and gets violent call the police. Its time for tough love, not giving up.

This is your house and your rules, if they dont like it you are under zero obligation to house them. I know there are parents out there that are all about "love them no matter what they do!" But seriously - not parenting is not love.

I have SD20 Feral Forger- shes a filthy pig. She was living with us, until she turned 18 and started living somewhere else, with no communications. Then she lost whatever housing she was in, and moved in with her mother, Toxic Troll. They have the same mental outlooks, but do not get along. But TT loves her no matter what. She just lost a restaurant job because she simply didnt show up for 2 outt of 4 days, her room was take away for bad behavior (repercussions!), but she still lives there and resides on the couch. Still doesnt clean. Im not sure what she does for money...but she parties somehow. But TT lets her get away with being disrespectful, not getting her license, not working, not going to college.

Im like WTF?

yeah, dont be like Toxic Troll and continue living your life like this. Feral Forger constantly fights with her mother and acts out when asked to clean or whatever. Its a power play - act crazy enough, act mean enough and they will be afraid of you.


tog redux's picture

I dunno, I think a "wonderful husband" would be alarmed about his wife's rising blood pressure and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 

He sounds very passive.  

If he doesn't care, then you set a date for all 3 kids to be out and stick by it, your daughter included.  Or at least come up with house rules, rent, bills to pay etc, and if your daughter abides by it, she can stay but if the others don't (they won't) then they have to leave. 

Obviously you will have to be the heavy here, but let's hope your "D"H will support that. 

Monkeys mom's picture

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. There are some really good ideas here that I will discuss with my husband. I am really ready for some tough love, ever with my own daughter. I know he will like the ideas and discuss them with the girls, my fear is he will not follow through. I call him the trampoline parent as he never lets them fall, that has not made for very good adults.


thanks again, I truly appreciate it!


Monkeys mom's picture

so he still continues to let his girls get away with everything. Shouldi give I give up?



SteppedOut's picture

Perhaps sit him down and tell him E.N.O.U.G.H.! Either his little piggies get with the program or they get out. And if neither of those happen, you are out. 

Your blood pressure issues likely are stress related and you can expect more health issues to pop up as well. Long term stress is VERY bad for your physical health (in addition to emotional health). Tell him flat out, the stress is literally KILLING you.