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O/T - Mood Swings and Hormones

msc1120's picture

This is off topic but I could really use some advice and guidance. It's been awhile since I posted...quick back story DH and I seperated for about a month around the Holidays, worked through some things concerning SS and BM got back forward to now. The past few months (since shortly after we got back together) I've been really moody. One minute I'm fine, the next total bitch. One minute I'm fine, then for no reason tears. More the bithcy part than the tears though. I just always seem to be in a bad mood and I just feel kind of blah and tired all the time. This is really beginning to affect my marriage. I think DH is on the verge of leaving and I can't blame him I can't stand myself right now. I have an appt. with my doctor on Tuesday to see if he can help me figure out what is going on. I went to my ob/gyn this past Tuesday and she was pretty much no help. Told her what was going on she hands me a RX for prozac. I know, I know most people would kill for that but I'm scared of stuff like that. I think she should have atleast done some bloodwork or something, and NO I'm not pregnant she did figure that much out lol. It could be early menopause (I'm 37), but who knows. Any advice you ladies (or gentlemen who's wives have gone through this) could give I'm would really, really appreciate.


overit2's picture

My suggestion, do NOT go the anti-depressant route, it does more harm then good.

THink of it this way-with the exception really of very few cases-anything artificially made really isn't good for our bodies-there are natural cures and ways of addressing this. I just posted a blog (check my profile/blogs) about this lol

For the last couple of years my PMS symptoms have gone from rough to severe. It's pretty centralized to that week though-I may have one/two random days through month that i get mood swings but it's mostly that week before period. First things-start a calendar and track your symptoms!!! You probably will see a pattern.

My dr also suspects pre-menopause and is ready to hand me the 'mini-pill' to balance hormones...not sure i want to do that even. I get hot flashes at times, night sweats, mood swings, regular cycles but I have spotting near ovulation time.

Shatavari is a good herb, I just got recommended black cohosh also-look into having a more holistic approach/natural remedies first. On some months my pms mimics pmdd more which is like severe pms, then other months not as bad.

I know the feeling of 'can't stand myself' lol-hang in there, and chart...I suspect it will narrow down to particular times of month.

DeeDeeTX's picture

This is good too. My moods were getting crazy (partially a bit of natural depression, partly circumstances in my life were getting me down) and the thing that REALLY helps is going to the gym and working out for a half hour every day! It doesn't totally eliminate the bad moods but it makes them a lot less bad and more manageable.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Yes! I don't get upset over things that aren't upsetting and don't upset me normally. I just have less patience for it.

It's like certain things about BM bother me, but then they come up again during the "time" and it's like, "I have HAD it with this crap!"

DeeDeeTX's picture

I would just tell your doctor that you don't believe it is depression (if you do not) and you do not intend on taking the Prozac. If all other options are ruled out (menopause, thyroid, whatever) then you will consider therapy.

A lot of times, (bad) doctors hand out prescriptions for anti-depressants like candy for anything that sounds like it could remotely be depression. Sometimes you really have to emphasize to them you don't think it is depression if it is not.

Agged and Fragged's picture

Are there any other symptoms? Particularly subtle things like unexpected weight gain/loss, hair loss, palpitations, hot flashes, skin problems (breakouts) or being cold? Usually a hormonal imbalance is going to be accompanied by some other symptom/s.

Just my opinion, mind you, but I think ob/gyn's are basically useless when it comes to diagnosing hormonal imbalances, even if it is reproductively related. A good endocrinologist is who you'd need to go to (NOT a GP/family doctor, again, they're useless for this sort of stuff). It could be any one of a number of hormones out of whack, not just estrogen. To give you an example (PLEASE don't let this scare you, because I assure you it's quite rare) a growth on one of the bodies of the brain (can't remember which, pituitary maybe) can also cause sudden severe mood swings, I had a friend who went through over a year of hell because it was such a subtle thing, but it was definitely a physical problem and antidepressants would have just masked the underlying condition while creating other health problems.

overit2's picture

Dee, I forgot to add to that...honestly i think drs that hand out these life-altering meds to people like candy should be lined up. The DAMAGE they have done to society/peoples lives/marriages/health withouth even doing full screenings, trying therapy, etc.

All about the almight $ Big pharma pays them big kick backs for prescribing these, they don't give a shit about your healthy and well-being, greedy bastards!! not saying all drs of course-but the vast majority are NOT of the good kind.

msc1120's picture

I have a really good GP who will probalby do some bloodwork or something of the sort, and probably recommend therapy before pushing pills. That's the one thing I really like about him, he's not going to give you a pill unless you absoultely need it. I don't thinks its depression but won't rule it out because I know it affects everyone differently and that it's a very serious medical problem. I've been back to exercising more this week which I think is helping, definetly gonna keep that up. Going to be looking into getting a new ob/gyn VERY soon because I think any Doc who would just hand over a RX for prozac is not a very goon one.

skylarksms's picture

Healthcare/pharmaceutical companies are about as f-ed up as the damn family court/CS system, IMHO

thefunmommy's picture

My mom had PMS/Pre-menopause symptoms since I was in middle school. Mood swings, hot flashes, irritability, etc. A couple years ago she started using some kind of progesterone cream, and that's "evened" her out a lot. I've gone running (when I was in better shape pre- and early-pregnancy) when I've been stressed and it helps.

EarthLove's picture

Also, you can request a blood test from you PCP, full screening to check and see if you have any imbalances that show up this way...

I am not usually for anti-depressant types of medications and I think that they are probably over prescribed, BUT I also know of people who have used them- even for short periods of time and then, tappered off of them. They say that it really made a huge difference for them.

I also have been feeling like this for a while. I am a very wholistic person, and some times we need a little support,

therapy makes a huge difference for me.
Do you have any trauma from earlier in your life? If yes, sometimes in very stressful situations, those "survival" responses from your central nervous system, can re-activate and send you into emotional hell. Feel free to personal message me.

take good care.