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What a mess

Msh987's picture

So.... I have a stepchild my MIL has helped raise from the moment she was born, when I came into the child's life, I was constantly told I wasn't her mom by my MIL.. 

fast forward 8 years later. We now have a 4 year old (she's 12) I have found out she's touched my son, inappropriately, as well as forced him to make out with her. My MIL quickly placed blame on our household. Shits a whole show.

the child is manipulative, a liar, nosey as all hell. Jealous of my son and I's relationship. Ever since I found out about all the inappropriate conduct I have made it very clear she's not allowed alone with my son but she ignores me. I CAN NOT. I mean, NOT. Stand her.

She's an attention seeker, who lies and manipulates whoever she's around. Is this normal? My SO knows how i feel about her touching our son, and he's on board with not leaving them alone. How can I hate a child as much as I do?


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Did you report this to the authorities? She is old enough to be criminally charged and at the very least she should be in intensive therapy.

Of course you hate her, she sexually assaulted your son. You need to do whatever you need to in order to protect your son. Not leaving them alone together is not enough. He should not have to live in a household with the person who assaulted him.

Winterglow's picture

She doesn't get to set foot in your home again. Your husband can take his visitation with her elsewhere. 

Tell your MIL to stuff it.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

You have to report this to the authorities. Also I would've her stay with MIL and DH and can see her there. You have to protect your child.

tog redux's picture

If CPS gets wind of this, it will not be good. You need to keep your son with you at all times if she's going to still come over, because if it happens again, you and DH will find yourselves in front of a judge for neglect. Not to mention the trauma to your son. 

She needs to stay with the grandparents and get intensive therapy. DH can visit her there. If not, then you take your son and move out. 

ndc's picture

I hope you reported this. Otherwise even if you leave, your husband will have visitation and your child will be exposed to this SD on the regular and you won't be able to do anything about it. Not to mention that she needs HELP - serious help. DO NOT let her near your child,and report the incident(s).