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New Here, Thank god I found this site! I am about to lose it

mylife10's picture

I thank god I found this place! I thought I was the only person going threw this. I cant seem to take this much more. I cant stand my lying, manipulative, self centered, abusive, rude step kids!
Ahhhhhhh I thing I am going to blow!


katielee's picture


How long have you been a stepmom? How old are your stepkids?

This is a nice place to vent:)

mylife10's picture

Thank you Katie!
I sure do need to vent. I feel like I have lost my mind!
I have been a step mom (unofficially for 3+ years) I am engaged to be married to their father. Which I wonder how or why we have not got married yet, maybe its a sign from above, LOL.
The Skids are 9,11,14,15. All 4 are a nightmares, to be kind about the situation. But the oldest does not come around at all, she stays home in the Bio moms house because she has no supervision, and my BF doesn't stop this situation, which is another fight we continue to have. It seems as if its never ending.

mylife10's picture

Hi Sally,
Thank you so much! Yes 4 SD, Ahhhh!!! I want to pull my hair out, and 3 of them are teenagers.
Thank god for this place, and all the support I am receiving. I swear I am at my wits end with all of this.

Kes's picture

Yup! These were my sentiments when I discovered StepTalk! Wink I have two teen girl SDs, BTW, Sally! Wink

Gosh, mylife, 4 SKIDs. You have my sympathies!

mylife10's picture

Sweat Pea, thank you so much, Yes 4...I sometimes think I should start drinking. Everyday is a new dramatic event!
Thanks so much for all your support! Lord knows I could use it..As we all can here! Have a very happy and healthy 4th!