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SO on the edge

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BM1 came and kidnapped SD11 from MY house on Friday.
I really didn't do anything to stop her. Because 1, the cops said I have no authority to with hold SD11 from her mother as I have no legal rights over her whatsoever. 2, I wanted her gone.
SO is getting so fed up he made the, "I'm going to give them their way and leave SD11 to BM1." again. He has started making this threat a lot. We have talked A LOT lately. About his feelings and frustrations. About my feelings and frustrations. I'm thinking SO is right on the edge. It would not surprise me if soon he follows through on his threats. I really can't even imagine. Me, him, and our baby, with steps every once in awhile. And SD11 says she doesn't want to be around anymore at all.... Wow. I think things with SD11 and BM1 are going to have to get worse before he actually does anything. Plus this is the first time BM1 has taken her overnight at all anyways.
I am soooooo soooooo excited because me, SO, and our litte one are taking a vacay the beginning of OCt for 2 weeks. Just us, and we will be 1,600 miles away. I am beside myself excited, I don't really care what sh*t SD11 pulls because shes not coming, and she is not welcome. SO is excited too! 2 weeks.... I can disengage and ignore for 2 weeks.


newbiemommy's picture

Right!? After MONTHS of absolutely no visits he wanted me to say no!? Ha ha!