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I'm not doing it!

newbiemommy's picture

SO wants to make all these kids and do absolutely NOTHING. I'm done! He does nothing for out daughter. He gets upset at me for leaving her in the room with him. I have to do everything for her and with her. I need to go to the bathroom? I have to ask to leave her or take her with me! The kids were all awake and inmy face, so i woke him up and he stats going off on me abouthaving to take them 2 hours back to their moms today, and the drama BM1 tried to start yesterday, like ANY of that is my fault. I am expected to care for full time SD11 ALL the time, then when the little ones are here it's the same story. I'm sick of it. If he can't take care of his own damn kids he better stop having them. Its bad enough that I'm raising OUR daughter, then he wants to pawn his others off on me!? Yeah, beyond pissed and over it right now!


newbiemommy's picture

He constantly will walk out the door to smoke, talk on his phone, work on the lawn, basically anything but take care of his kids and he NEVER lets me know, even when he physically leaves the house. Then he has the right to get pissed at me!? Really!?

Disneyfan's picture

Start leaving the kids home with him. Get up, get dressed and get out of the house. Go shopping, to a movie or just spend the day at a friend's house.

Leave your phone home so that he can't call you.

newbiemommy's picture

He he he. Good advice that I'm currently following!
Another funny thing. A few months back he broke our bedroom door slamming it, now he can't even slam the door. So today he reopened the door to try to slam it and it just swung around and almost hit him. Any reason to throw a shit fit. He just brought up that "we are supposed to be a team" that's why I'm supposed to take on all his responsibilities.

hereiam's picture

Doesn't sound like a relationship I'd be interested in. Exactly what does he bring to the table?

My SIL used to PAY her husband to watch their children and yes, they were his kids!

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Oh hunny- take back your life!!! This will get worse as time goes on if you don't make a stand!! He is USING you!!! " we are supposed to be a team". Hahahaha. Ask him what he thinks "team" means?? There's not just one person in a "team" so why the heck is he expecting you to take on his share in this "team"??

Trust me when I say this--- he knows he's full of shit!! I agree with the others. Perhaps you should ask him just what he thinks YOU are getting out of all of this? To be his slave??

Oh dear- fight back. Get your self esteem back & start to live again. This is no life!! I truly feel for you. He wants you to feel trapped. I'd bet money on it that is what he's trying to do. He probably thinks he will keep you if he treats you like this & traps you into this "life". Truth is-- he WILL loose you this way. Maybe not today- but someday he will. Best you let him know that.

Start standing up to him & the kids. Make her more independent & do stuff for yourself & your sanity!!