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Is this our fate?

newvegas17's picture

My grandparents had a "Brady-Bunch" situation. She had four kids, he had five, they got together and made a happy family.

From cutting all the buttons off the kids clothes and sendnig them with lice, to even pulling a gun on my Grandma for an unreported attempted murder back in the 70's, my Grandfather's first wife was a classic HCBM.

My Grandma recently passed away. In hospice, at the age of 77. (Thank you for the condolences)



This freaking woman showed up to her funeral.



There was yelling, and arguing, some people thought she should be thrown out, some did not. She just wanted to ruffle feathers and start more sh!t; which she is excellent at, and has been practicing for my Grandparents' entire almost 5 decade relationship.

She was the first one to go through the buffet at the lunceon afterward, and the only one to immediately go back through the line to fill the tupperware she brought from home.


Why are BM's like this?

Will they continue to spew hate and insanity on the Stepmom untill the're all freaking Eighty-Years-Old?



BlueEyez's picture

I'm new to ST, wish I had some sage advice or opinion to share with you, but I don't. Mostly, I'm reading blogs and trying to "get to know" folks here.


Having said that, I truly laughed and am still smiling after reading about the tupperware BM brought from home to the post-funeral buffet. You can't make that stuff up!

My wish for you is that you're somehow able to back up emotionally from the crazies surrounding you -- Forrest / trees perspective. I know that's easier said than done. I mean, really... the thought, planning, effort that BM put into bringing freaking Tupperware to a funeral is priceless.

I know you didn't intend for any if this to be humorous, and I respectfully hope you can see the (sad, horrific, tragic, emotionally damaged) humor of the scene you described so well. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Oh My Lanta! What a horrible horrible woman!

And she came to the funeral?!? Why didn't anyone boot her crazy butt out into the parking lot? 

Monkeysee's picture

She absolutely should have been removed, I’m so sorry you all had to put up with that. Abhorrent behaviour like that should never be tolerated, if this woman shows up to anything again please don’t be afraid to have her kicked out. Toxic people do not need to be catered to, even when they’re old. 

shamds's picture

she thinks she’s so high class and refined doin that, but she is as low class as it comes. She is a dysfunctional mess, people like this grow old and lonely and miserable. 

She had no shame to come with Tupperware and stock up on food. Why the hell did anyone think it was ok for her to be at your grandma’s funeral?? She isn’t family or a friend??

if this were my hubbys ex wife having it her way, she’d be jumping for joy and laughing that my husband (her exhubby had died) then probably do a fake thing and cry like she is so sad he’s dead. Its all for show, for the attention trip and ego boost... 

advice.only2's picture

She went through the line with her tupperware to load up on more food....bless her heart. I would show up to her funeral in a red dress and dance on her grave.

thinkthrice's picture

showed up at SM's funeral to piss on her grave.

CLove's picture

Well, shes a miserable one, sint she?

My condolences!

Im still early on - I have all kinds of things to look forward to dealing with - graduations, marriages, babies, illnesses and death.

I do go to school concerts and avoid the BM and Feral Forger SD20. They walk right by me and I ignore...

But thats horrible. I hope I go first, this is a good reason!

Im sorry that happened...