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WTF do u do when they aren't his kids?!?!?

Ninja chick's picture

How are you suppose to be ok raising kids part time that arent his. It's hard enough being a step parent as is. But knowing that they aren't his kids and he still is choosing to raise them when they are young enough for it to not matter. The BM is horrible to me why would I want her kids every other wknd exspecially when the oldest treats me like dirt and acts like a 2 yr old when she is 4 and the dad doesn't care because no one else punishes her so why should he it will do no good.


Ninja chick's picture

Not sure why this made u laugh. MIL doesn't care she raised the oldest more then the father in the start the first time they separated. Gets the kid every day during the week.

alwaysanxious's picture

I knew what you meant. It is unreal that so many people out there are so bitter and difficult with one another when they don't HAVE to be

simifan's picture

He raised these children with BM and continues to be willing to be parent these children. Why you can't see that as being a man of honor, I'm not sure. Kudos for your DH for not walking away from his commitment to the children. You need to think seriously about your relationship, and ability to cope with the situation & make a decision as to whether you can share DH with these children or walk away.

Most Evil's picture

Yes let him find some other sucker. Because we know damn well he is not going to actually raise them!!

He must have some kind of hero complex. I would leave and let their Mother raise them and whoever she can trick into helping her.

alwaysanxious's picture

Oh that would be a hard one for me. Why is he bothering if they aren't his??? What need does this fill for him?

uptohere's picture

I can't even imagine how on earth you could stand it. It's so hard when they're his flesh and blood. Egads!

Ninja chick's picture

I could Handel it if he wanted children with me but he doesn't but he will raise kids that aren't his own and tell me everything I am doing wrong but won't tell me how he wants my help. How is that suppose to make me feel. Im not a complete bitch I feel bad for the kids in all this and think they deserve better then me. This has all happened very fast and is hard to cope with. Those of you that judge in your comments enstead of helped on on this site for the wrong reason. Can u honestly tell me that u could stick around with some one that won't have kids with you because they don't want the responsibility of another kid but hey will raise two that aren't there's. Yes that is very honorable and I respect it but what about me? He is asking lots of me right now.

Ninja chick's picture

I'm still good to the kids just have less patients. The only reason the youngest had a Christmas or a birthday is because of me. It use to get to him bad now he says he loves her and it dosent matter. But when ur kid is 4 and saying whatever to me and telling me I'm wrong and grunting and me and u stand by and do nothing cause everyone else ruined her and there's no point and come to find out she's not even yours! I deserve repect and I deserve for him to tell her that's wrong and not to treat me that way. Not when I snap at her hey don't do that with her right there where she can here. Then when i ask how u want be to discipline them being told i don't know but don't do this or this or this....and putting up with a bitch of a BM who has causses more problems then anything. But if I leave he can't have a house, and won't be able to feed he kids and it's nit here fault the moms a whore but him not wanting kids with me and wanting me to be a stepmom is a a lot to ask and it's all come on at once. Like in the past month.

Tara12's picture

I haven't been a step for awhile but I was in this situation a few years ago with a man that got together with a woman when she had a 3mth old. They broke up when the girl was 4 but he continued to act like her father and when I met him she was almost 7. He paid for her private school, gave the mother a few hundred to "help out" a mth and took the kid EOW sometimes more. AND to top it off his parents accepted this kid as a grandaughter. This woman treated him like crap and used that kid as a leverage to get what she wanted (i.e money, clothes, school stuff). Sometimes we would go to drop the kid off and she wasn't even there so we would have the child all weekend!!! Heaven forbid I said anything because I would get my head bitten off. ALSO since he did not adopt this child (and it sounds like your BF or DH hasn't) he has NO say in this child's life when it comes to medical, school, anything and the mother can take those kids away from him as soon as she finds some other sucker to pay for them. AND even though thought this wasn't his kid the mother knew how much he cared about the daughter so she was like every other BM on here sometimes w/holding their "visitation" etc. until he did what she wanted him to do. Also the kid was a monster and was a nasty piece of work. She pushed me down the stairs at Bear Country in Disneyland. It was a no win situation and I left and gave him back his ring.